Friday, October 10, 2014

"Kill The Messenger" - The Must See movie of the decade!

Did you know of President Reagan & CIA bringing drugs into America? If not, wonder what else you've missed?
The Drug War and all its implications? Including the "Industrial Prison Complex" that turned America into the MOST imprisoned population on Earth?! Including how Prison Labor benefits Corporations and takes away American jobs? How about the "Corporate Takeover of Media"? When today as few as 5 Corporations control over 90% of OUR Media? A direct link to how we wage Illegal Wars. And Toxic Food, Air, Water? The Corporate crashing of the Worlds Economies and continuing Thefts on a Global scale as never before seen in history? The killing of the planet, our only home, in the name of the mental disease known as Greed? How America has become an Oligarchy that only serves those that buy government and dictate policy? Decades of Presidential and Congressional Corruption and Treason?

Today Reagan is a GOD to conservatives. Never mind that he would be way too liberal to even get nominated today. And never mind his direct criminal acts, starting from before he was even elected when he made a treasonous deal with Iran to KEEP American hostages to assure his victory over Carter. His violating Congressional Law, known as the "Iran Contra Affair". Never mind how he blew a chance to end ALL Nukes with Russia but allowed his knowingly failed "Star Wars" program to be the excuse to submit to the "Industrial Military Complex". Ignoring the obvious destruction we are now reaping from "Reaganomics"; his Crusade of De-Regulation that cleared the path for the financial collapse of 2008, allowed Corporate crimes to flourish, (political, social and environmental), along with the record high income gap and disparity between productivity and wages never before known in the history of the our country.

 Anyone remember how Col. Oliver North stood before Congress, in his uniform, and admitted his crimes and those of of Reagan and the CIA? Remember how he got ZERO prison time and got a job on Cable News instead?

I am thrilled that this film is being released. The story of Gary Webb and the reasons for his ultimate demise can not be overstated in their importance. And being done with such quality talent. Movies can shape our culture in ways few other things can. After decades of the perpetrators getting away this crime, of violating the U.S. Constitution, of, despite all the publicity at the time, still being held unaccountable... it could well be a film that lifts the blindfold, ever so slightly. To expose how this history, our history, still effects us today. And how we can demand a future more in line with the principals laid down when forming our Constitutional Republic.... Hell, even just a little justice and common sense would be a welcome change.

Investigative journalist Robert Parry shares my passion for history and justice and lays it out with his recent quote - "There is no question that this is the most important of stories of the 1980's and 1990's when you get to the end of this and and the CIA confessing. But it's also a story about the failure of the mainstream press that extends to the present. Goes through the Iraq war and the failure to be skeptical there and goes right on to the present day. So it's not an old story, it's very much a current story."

Damn straight Parry... Damn straight America!