Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Late Night TV Wars – Not a Laughing Matter

Talk about “much ado about nothing”! Let’s just let the funnier hosts have the prime spots.

Leno has always been a mainstream funny host with broad appeal.

Letterman is so dry that the laughs are few and his bandleader seems to dull any moment he is on camera.

Conan’s laughs are also too rare and yet he is funny. Too bad he is funnier than his show.

Kimmel seems to have a well-rounded funny show, like a slightly edgier Leno.

Jimmy Fallon seems like a cool cat, maybe fun to have a beer with but he is such a nervous wreck that he is barely watchable. He rocks around so much that the viewer (and his camera men) are in danger of suffering vertigo and he stammers his way through most every interview. With the right amount of medication or some relaxation techniques like Tia Chi, he could have a good show.

Fallon competes with Craig Ferguson who is more relaxed and has an accent.

Even though Carson Daly comes on around the time the bars close he too is just not that funny. Even drunk!

In the end none of them are as funny as The Simpsons reruns at 11pm. (Ironical some episodes written in part by Conan O’Brien). But the late night shows should be good as they can be instantly topical. But as most Americans have Cable or Satellite they will also be competing against The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report on Comedy Central. And as long as politicians are, on and off camera, Hippocrates they will always be the most relevant late night shows.

And with DVR features, the late nighters have to compete with everything on TV at every hour. Including all the unintended funny shows like Glenn Beck, soap operas, and effeminate entertainment reporters and shows geared towards wrestling fans, etc.

Whatever happens, I guess the “free market” will decide. It just seems wrong to pay so much money for so few laughs. Then again, maybe I am just getting old. I was only a child but I actually remember when Saturday Night Live was funny and that’s still on the air.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

No Flu Shot$ for us.

Up front I need to disclose that I am NOT anti vaccine. I am just sharing my experience in regards to the Flu Vaccine and the ever increasing amounts of vaccines that happen to be approved for use by the same people who stand to profit from them. Similar issues have arisen from allowing Big Pharm to "invent" new diseases and market on TV the drugs to cure them. Something most other countries wont allow. 

So, I have been doing a bit of research and asking a lot of doctors about the flu vaccines. We have been leaning towards NOT vaccinating our children or ourselves but I want to do the right thing especially for our kids. 

One pediatrician (Dr. Wakins) said NOT to vaccinate and he and his staff NEVER recommend it and they NEVER get it themselves. I found it interesting that a group of health care workers, that are around sick kids everyday, do not get vaccinated. He went on to advise that in regards to the other childhood schedule of vaccines, we do NOT get the "cocktail" of vaccines in a single shot. Best to spread them out individually of time. Means more trips to the doctor but seems obvious that it should be easier on the child's body to get smaller doses.

We asked another pediatrician, (Dr. Menendez) he said we could get the Flu Vaccine if it makes us feel better but it was unnecessary. And he agreed that avoiding the "cocktail" makes sense. And advised daily cleaning the children's noses with warm salt water on a Q Tip and giving them a spoonful of Honey as a real tool to avoid getting sick. Especially during flu season. I give honey in the morning and clean noses before bedtime. I call it "Tickle Nose Time" to put a good spin on it. And it's working so far.

A third doctor (Dr. Holmes) that I have known for many years and has a crazy amount of diverse training and awards went further. He recommended the book "The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination Is Not Immunization" by Tim O'Shea The best, most thoroughly researched source about the shocking history and the horrors of the vaccine industry and went on to talk about "herd immunity" and how most all disease were declining and or gone before they were re-introduced and purposefully mutated by vaccines. He and his staff also do not get vaccinated.

I keep in mind that there is also money to be made by debunking Vaccines, so I remain open minded in both directions.

People can only get sick if their immune system is weak from poor diet or other issues AND it is better to treat an illness than to inject any dubious vaccine. If it is too weak to make you sick, than it is too weak to trigger your full defenses BUT may well just be strong enough to build up in your body to make you sick, or die, later and to alter you DNA for all future generations.
I am a bit of a history buff, I knew about the origins, Salk, Pasteur etc. What I did not know is that it was a scam from the very beginning - The first Small Pox kid forced to be vaccinated died at age 20 as did Salk's own son. Pasteur even gave a deathbed confession.
Junk science, statistical manipulation and outright lies - I urge you to spend only a couple hours getting educated about it before blindly getting injected. Remember that many doctors make a lot of money by treating healthy people instead of just the sick, and they also get to treat the people made sick. It is simply too important to take the word of people who have a financial interest in the subject. 

Remember when we were in school? How very few kids used inhalants? If vaccines are so great why are we sicker? If they work so well why do we need "booster" shots? 

In 1980 they recommended 20 vaccines for children - by 2008 it was up to 68 - now add to that the Adult Recommendations (that NO other country does) and we are expected to get 150 vaccines in our lifetime. Give me a break! I called the CDC but - surprise, they are all just reading from a script given to them and can not answer any tough factual questions. 

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and yes, I know what is injected into Turkeys and other livestock. I know that the Antibiotics in their flesh and in the our water supply from their pee seeping into aquifers  has caused an epidemic of "Super Bugs" where a little scratch can now KILL a person - our poison food supply is another issue for another time.

We vaccinate far more than any other country, it is making us far sicker than other countries, (37th in infant mortality) it is not fully tested, there is zero oversight, it may be changing our DNA and it is all for the Love of Money! 
 Money used to buy off politicians.
While true that mercury and other poisons are not still being produced "Big Pharm" have a "stock pile" exemption, that means 40 years worth of known poisons injected into our infants and children.
Please do not let this article or a single person or book change your mind about vaccines. Do what "they" do not want you to do - get educated. 

Do it for yourself. Do it for your family. Do it out of the desire to not reward the Pharmaceutical companies for their criminal deceit.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Stop trying to Save the Planet!

It is well past the time to STOP trying to save the planet.

It is a bunch of talk, it is an emerging industry,
it's a lot of bumper stickers...
it is NOT working!

It is time to change the focus to

Given time the planet will recover just fine.
It's we that face extinction.

Surely, future generations will think we were completely mad.

what else could the think? Were we demonically possessed? Victims of an alien conspiracy? What could possibly be the reason that we destroyed all humanity?

Can the answer be as simple as greed? Hello Washington D.C., can it be greed? Can people in power really be so stupid, so short sighted, so greedy... as to kill themselves and everybody else?

Our water is poisoned, our air is poisoned, our food is poisoned, we have unleashed epidemics and destroyed our immune systems. This is all usually, and easily, traced to some form of corporation trying to squeeze an extra few cents of profit. But lately even when it is proved that many healthier choices are cheaper to achieve and/or have a higher profit potential, they are still ignored in favor of business as usual.

As if we could put a price on our very survival anyway. But since so much of our actions are tied to corporate profits it simply dumbfounds that even the promise of higher returns seems to not deter the destruction.

Later in the life of comedian George Carlin, when he went from being really funny and a little bitter, to really bitter and only a little funny, he used to say something like "screw it all, let the cockroaches have the planet - I'm hoping for a nice nuclear war to speed up the exit of humans". So that was how George felt. Was he mirroring our national policy? I mean what the fuck?!

It's a doomsday scenario! Do we really need to wait until we are choking on the ashes of our destroyed planet before we take real action? Real action that is really too late?

In the simplest approach, we need to clean up our home! And our air, water and food.
I would much rather put my efforts into some kind of revolutionary shift in culture, something that may be a long shot but deserves trying. Something like fighting the good fight. I am amazed that there is even a debate regarding saving the humans!

I do not care one bit if somebody does not believe in global warming - at this point in our history there are dozens of other big issues that are killing us. If we fix them we will be on the right path and the right mind set to worry about climate change. We cant even fix the things we agree on. It just does not bode well for us.

One small yet important example is that we are so addicted to oil that when we are victims of a terror attack, financed by oil producing countries, especially Saudi Arabia a dictatorship we have long supported, our President Bush tells us to "continue life (of consumption) as usual". We were not asked to sacrifice or conserve.

Our President Obama is only a little better. Only a little better than his predecessor who was arguably the worst President in modern American history. Talk about setting the bar low. So we are fighting a war on terror? Spreading freedom? While we support a dictatorship for oil? While we pollute? While we still refuse to even secure our borders? It is a bullshit. Just as in the Drug War or any other war, the goal is not to win the goal is to profit and the longer the wars the more the profits.

So where will these people who worship power and profit over ever thing else spend their profits when the Earth finally shakes us off? Who will they enjoy power over when mankind is extinct. How can they be so shortsighted, how can we let them continue?

I want my future grandchildren to know that I tried, I spoke truth to power, with my words,my deeds and my wallet, I was conscience every single day about trying to do the right thing. I fear that it was not enough. I know that real change can start with one person, and I know I am not alone. But I can not get over the fact that we are KNOWINGLY killing ourselves.

There is no belief in God or we would not do this to the planet, there is no belief in mankind or we would be doing this to ourselves. The is no morality or we would not be doing this to the children. There is nothing but a corrupt system run by corrupt people. The fact that they too will be wiped out gives little comfort. Sorry kids... I tried, I really did.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ye (idiot) of Little Faith

Recently Bill Maher was taking heat for his comments to Wolf Blitzer on CNN when asked “Do you think she (Sarah Palin) has a future nationally as a presidential candidate?” Bill replied “I don't know about a presidential candidate but I would never put anything past this stupid country.” He went on to say “This country just gets dumber and dumber by the day. And uh, I don't think I have time on your show to list all the reasons”.

The same week a the story of a Wisconsin man accused of killing his daughter by praying instead of seeking lifesaving medical was in the news. He considered her illness "a test of his faith,"

Dale Neumann, 47, is a "full-Gospel Christian, who did not know his 11-year-old daughter had diabetes. His defense attorney said.

There's not "a shred of evidence" Neumann knew his prayers would fail to help his daughter or cause her death.

Neumann is charged with second-degree reckless homicide in the 2008 death of his daughter Madeline Neumann, his wife, Leilani, was convicted of the same charge and faces up to 25 years in prison when sentenced Oct. 6.

The girl died from undiagnosed diabetes on March 23, 2008, surrounded by people praying. Someone called 911 when she stopped breathing.

The first thing that comes to my mind is that these people are dangerous idiots! The second thing that struck me was how little faith they have. Why call 911 after their daughter stopped breathing? Surely God could raise her from the dead if he wanted to.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Letters to the Editors





A Million Clicks to Peace,

Thanks for the interview, I was happy to be part of you efforts. You asked me to write a quick note:

While peace should always be striven for I want to remind everybody that sometimes the best way to achieve justice, and peace, is by taking up arms! Gandhi's method of Non Violence, that was a great success against the British, would have been useless against the Nazis.

There are a lot of factors that go into creating peace; economics, education, access to food and other basic necessities, but surely the path to Peace begins as do all journeys, with the first steps.


Iran's SUPREME LEADER Ali Khamenei - Picked the candidates and then picked the winner. Calling one "moderate" is a joke! Both candidates are murderous thugs and real change will only come if the people overthrow Ali Khamenei and have a REAL election.


RE: Cannabis Conundrum

Ms. Myung-Ok Lee is absolutely correct. Marijuana IS far less dangerous than much of the food we consume and the term used should be RE- legalization.

By now I am left with no other conclusion than that anyone opposed to the re-legalization of Cannabis is either grossly uneducated or has a nefarious financial agenda. The fact that Hemp gets lumped in with Marijuana points to the former conclusion as the most prevalent.

By many accounts Clinton, Bush and Obama have all experimented with illicit substances and many Americans favor decimalization. But, predictably, hypocritical politicians continue to govern out of fear. In this case the “fear” of seeming soft on crime.

I find our current policies shameful, wasteful and very likely unconstitutional. I will continue to vote only for third party candidates until someone has the courage to govern with common sense and courage.


F U Yusuf (and Ticket Master too)

As a big Cat Stevens fan I was appalled at his complicity in the decree of death known, as a fatwa, against Salman Rushdie (even though he later tried to deny it) followed by his admittance that his religion forbid his kind of music but was allowing it as he would be giving the proceeds to Islamic causes.

I will never spend a dime on anything associated with that hypocrite!

I only hope that those arrogant monopolistic thieves, known as Ticket Master, are involved with his comeback so I can boycott them both simultaneously.


Ms Pelosi,

I am an Independent with Libertarian leanings and am growing increasing disgusted with politicians who govern out of fear. That was the Bush game-plan and we should be over it! FEAR of seeming soft on crime limits any discussion of Drug Policy Reform. FEAR of losing the Latino vote leads to our unprotected borders and statements that you recently made.

As to your comments regarding illegal immigration; if an illegal is deported they leave their family behind by choice. No one is stopping them from taking their children with them. Furthermore, we should have long ago done away with the antiquated policy that is the "Anchor Baby" loop-hole that rewards illegals by automatically making their children citizens.


Regarding the March 7Th article on "Medical pot charges ban quickly lifted" :

There seems to be some question as to why U.S. Atty. O'Brien rescinded his original order to stop filing charges against medical marijuana dispensaries.

Are you kidding? His motivation is the same as every politician; Fear! Fear of seeming "soft on crime" kills all debate over our draconian, failed drug policy even as they contribute to the near collapse of Mexico and our leaders admit to their own past illicit use of drugs .

Fear of losing "the Latino vote" kills any real border protection or immigration reform. Regardless of the potential for real WMD's crossing the border.

Fear of not having enough money to run for re-election keeps these corrupt cowards firmly in the pockets of special interest groups. No matter the harm to our country or the Constitution.

Fear based decision making is a scary way to make policy. I was hopping that went away with the Bush administration. I "fear" it has not.


Every day I read the times I see two huge ways to save a lot of tax dollars, Drug Policy and Immigration reform. Lately these two stories have become one.

I was just amazed to read the LA Times front page "Column One" Feb. 19Th, article "Sleepy town's nightmare next door" It was mostly about a border town, Columbus, N.M., and how failing drug war policies are destroying Mexico and specifically Palomas the town Columbus borders.

I found it odd that it mentioned that there were several hundred U.S. citizen, children, that lived in Mexico but went to school daily in Columbus. It was shortly explained that the hospital routinely crosses to Palomas to pick up pregnant Mexicans so they can deliver their babies in Columbus.

Wow! Why even build a wall, have a border or an immigration process if we are going to just pick up people at taxpayer expense so they can have their "Anchor Baby" pave the way for entire families to become citizens without due process?

It is long past due to end the "Anchor Baby" loophole with or without the insanity of official vehicles transporting them.


RE: When will the Bush Bashing stop

The bashing of Bush would stop if the damage he has done would go away when he does. As is, we will be living with his mistakes for generations. Even a future terrorist attack could well be blamed on his failure to protect our borders.

Truly, the worst president in modern history!


Bill Maher,

Most of your "new rules" have a second picture to go with the punch line - the guns melted into a statue of Alah did not have a representation of the gun-Alah statue. As you likely know, it is bullshit that it goes against the Koran to show a picture of Alah, pics of him are in many museums, it is also true that the fanatics still freak out about it anyway. I was disappointed that you did not show a picture. If nothing else to show that you do not buy into the fear of doing such a thing. anyway.... you rock!!! Love you, your shows, your guest appearances and your stand-up shows!

PS. I am into having 2 women at the same time - can I have "minority" status - since many think that bedroom preferences deserve some special status. Let the breeders keep the term "marriage" and be sure that all people have civil union rights. Like when the Cleveland Browns got to keep their name and Baltimore got a team - win - win!

Anyway two women - that is some affirmative action I could be down with! Peace!


RE: Is Ann Coulter a Liar

Ann is just starved for attention. Since she is mostly a comedy act, I'm not sure you can call her a liar. But her Adams Apple does seem to swell when she is confronted.


RE: The El Coyote restaurant and Gay Fascist

Every place that I read the gay fascist are boycotting, me and my friends will be going out of our way to give them business.

We had not been to the "El" in years. It was good to be back!

For the record - The only gripe is over a word...right? Gays have all the same rights, they just want a new definition of a word.

Is life so good that this is where you want to draw the line. Let society keep it's definition.


And for the gay bashers - gay is NOT a choice! Would YOU CHOOSE TO BE GAY?

Thanks again for getting me back to going to El Coyote!



The Mosquito is far from being useless. Besides being Bat food, it's most useful function is population control.


RE: The Endangered Wolves

I am far from being a vegetarian but I am growing increasingly upset by the behavior and practices of our food suppliers. First the unnecessary, and potentially catastrophic, action of filling our meat supply with antibiotics and now you report that they are using our parklands to the detriment of the wolves. Kick those creeps off of our land, save the wolves and kindly pass me the vegy burgers.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Dump Jackson!

Andrew Jackson needs to be removed from the 20 dollar bill.

An image from our National Parks, monuments or most any other President, would be a better choice than the shameful choice of Jackson! Better yet, lets put Tecumseh, Sitting Bull or other Native on the bill.

Andrew Jackson does have a few very good points to his credit. Including defeating the British in New Orleans (After the war was already over) but his disregard for the rule of law, including executions of his own troops and prisoners, was just the tip of the iceberg that is his criminal ego.

He is the face of - The Trail of Tears.

The Cherokees went to the Supreme Court in 1831. This time they based their appeal on an 1830 Georgia law which prohibited whites from living on Indian territory after March 31, 1831, without a license from the state.

The court decided in favor of the Cherokee. It stated that the Cherokee had the right to self-government, and declared Georgia 's extension of state law over them to be unconstitutional. The state of Georgia refused to abide by the Court decision, however, and President Jackson refused to enforce the law.

Jackson exclaimed
“The Supreme court made its decision, let them enforce it.”


The U.S. government sent in 7,000 troops, who forced the Cherokees into stockades at bayonet point. They were not allowed time to gather their belongings, and as they left, whites looted their homes. Then began the march known as the Trail of Tears, in which 4,000 Cherokee people died of cold, hunger, and disease on their way to the western lands.

By 1837, the Jackson administration had removed 46,000 Native American people from their land east of the Mississippi , and had secured treaties which led to the removal of a slightly larger number. Most members of the five southeastern nations had been relocated west, opening 25 million acres of land to white settlement and to slavery.

Even before he was elected President, Andrew Jackson had been instrumental in forcing Native Americans out of the South. Once in office, he continued this policy at an accelerated pace. The Cherokee nation was one of the "Five Civilized Tribes" in the southeast, and like all other tribes existing east of the Mississippi River, their removal was essential to Jackson 's plan.

In 1838 and 1839, as part of Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy, the Cherokee nation was forced to give up its lands east of the Mississippi River and to migrate to an area in present-day Oklahoma . The Cherokee people called this journey the "Trail of Tears," because of its devastating effects. The migrants faced hunger, disease, and exhaustion on the forced march. Over 4,000 out of 15,000 of the Cherokees died.

I am part Cherokee and I do not have a problem with the fact that natives were conquered. Through out history people have been conquering each other. I do have a big problem with the breaking of treaties and all the other dishonorable acts. I small way to make up for some of these many shameful deeds is to Dump Jackson from our 20 dollar bill!

Next we should return the Black Hills to to the Sioux as it is and was theirs by birth AND by treaty. But that is another blog for another time.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Gay NOT Happy...

So the California Supreme Court has upheld Proposition 8 and the gay fascist are all in a tither. Twice now we have voted to keep the definition as is. Our vote should be respected. It should not come as a surprise that gays can be as intolerant of other views as any other group. Now that's inclusion American style.

As a moderate with strong Libertarian leanings, I am feeling a bit put off by all the celebrity zealousness. Am I that off base as compared to many of the artist who's work I enjoy?

I believe that being gay is NOT a choice. But defining ones self by ones sexuality is a choice. As is putting on a parade based on bedroom preferences. I find it mostly just amusing. I wish I had that kind of free time. I have sex - let's march!

If Civil Unions are not all they should be than we should fix that. If it comes down to words, well that is simple enough. Let the definition stay as is, call Gay Marriage "Garriage" and we can all use "spouse" and "divorce". It all starts to get a bit silly. Unless you are under attack for believing that Dr. Martin Luther King JR. did not march, and die, so that people can claim a sexual preference as a civil right / minority issue.

I have plenty of gay friends and associates. I know that people tend to say that often but I have lived in three states, been to over 20 schools and 30 countries. I have worked in dozens of jobs, blue color, white color and Entertainment industry. So... I simply have been fortunate enough to meet and befriend a lot of different people. Recently one of my closer (and gayer) friends asked my opinion. When I told him my thoughts, as laid out in this blog, he replied "when you put it that way, I have to agree with you" Since then I have found that often the most intolerant people were not gay. Certainly not any of the gay employees of El Coyote restaurant who were attacked because one single person there dared to take part in the political process by supporting Prop. 8. It had been many months since I visited the restaurant and years since I dined there three days a week. So I started going back just to show my support. I will do the same with any institution that is attacked simply for standing by their religious beliefs. I am not a fan of religion but I am a big fan of beliefs and freedom.

All the media attention over Miss California, and her opinions on gay marriage, was also ridiculous. Much more interesting to me was the total lack of controversy a few years back when Miss Hawaii was asked "If your father was DYING and in PAIN would you support his use of Medical Marijuana"? Her amazing (paraphrased) response was "I would NOT support him making that choice but I would stay by him and just be there for him". Is she a cowardly idiot who thought she was being politically correct or just an idiot? Either way I am damn glad she is not my daughter. I'll tell you what Miss Hawaii if your dad is dying and in pain I will help him. Obviously I have more common sense and compassion for this stranger than his own daughter. Shameful!

It is a no-brainer that anybody, of any sexual orientation should be able to assign a person to be their partner for all the legal benefits and needs. That also means that opposite sex couples should have that choice without the need to get married.

Prop 8 passed because current domestic partner laws assure that everybody has the same rights, as well they should, and society has simply decided that the term "marriage" should remain between a man and a women. It had less to do with religious fanaticism, evidenced by the fact that parental notification for underage abortion failed.

I can't help but to remember how the Cleveland Browns got to keep the name "Browns" and Baltimore still got a football team. Seemed like a win-win. So lets give all people the right to choose a partner (and to go to war and to adopt, etc.) and let marriage stay as is. Win-win.

Maybe someday anybody will be able to marry anybody, or anybodies or anything. I will not treat it like the end of the world. Sadly, I am sure we will all still have more important issues to worry about. Remember, murder, hunger, injustice at every turn? It is just not that big a deal by comparison. OR maybe someday we will just have sex and stop obsessing, and defining ourselves, over it.

Finally, I do not buy, at all, that this is a civil rights issue. I am sexually attracted to being with two women at the same time. Where do I sign up for my "minority" status?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

China is NOT our friend!

Besides sending us poison baby food, poison toothpaste, poison pet food, poison led painted toys and buying up our forest, homes and business; They have much more sinister plans. With the power of their population combined with all the money we give them and all the technology they steal from us - They intend to have their moment on the world stage. They fully intend to be a Super Power. Something I have warned about for years was to be on the look out for a pact between China and Russia. This is the next crucial step in their plan and it has already come to pass.

Russo – Chinese Pact
Jul 16, 2001 ... The Russian and Chinese leaders, united in their opposition to US missile defense plans, sign their first treaty in 50 years.

Some small examples of how dangerous China is.

First some good things; I admire the long history of China. They invented paper, fireworks and the noodle that became Pasta thanks to Marco Polo. They are not afraid to use, or export, the miracle textile plant known as Hemp, just because it’s distant cousin is Cannabis. They also execute their most egregious white color criminals. So regardless of ones stand on the Death Penalty, it is more fair than just executing low income minorities while the rich buy a different form of “justice”. But “fairness” ends there as plenty of Authorities avoid justice in China; they just put more emphasis on protecting their image than giving breaks to the rich.

As is often the case, America helped to create this monster by our thirst for cheap goods. We, and the planet, are choking on all the plastic and other child-slave labor goods. Detroit insistence on building big crappy cars drove us to Japan and China now wants a piece of that market too.

Fewer drivers than the United States but 10 times the accidents. Okay, so stereotypes of Asian drivers aside, they are simply new to the car culture. But beware if you find your self there as it is common practice that if a driver accidentally hits a pedestrian they proceed to try and kill them with their car as it is cheaper to pay for a fatality than to pay for the medical care. What started as an accident becomes intentional murder. Harsh!

1951: China annexes the whole of Tibet

1959: Tibetans riot against Chinese occupation (87,000 dead)
Since then the Chinese have started wiping out the locals by simply moving in their own people. In no time there will be very few Tibetans alive in Tibet compared to the number of Chinese.

China has over one billion people!
That fact alone makes them very powerful.
And what they are doing with that power is disturbing.

The Hainan Island incident was the
April 1, 2001
For 15 minutes after landing, the U.S. aircraft crew continued to destroy sensitive items and data on board the aircraft, as per Department of Defense protocol. They disembarked from the plane after soldiers looked through windows, pointed guns, and yelled over bullhorns. The Chinese offered them water and cigarettes. Kept under close guard, they were taken to a military barracks at Lingshui where they were interrogated for two nights before being moved to a lodge at Haikou. They were treated well in general, but were interrogated at all hours, and so suffered from lack of sleep. They found the un-Westernized Chinese food unpalatable as it included fish heads, but this later improved. Guards gave them decks of cards and an English-language newspaper. To pass the time and keep spirits up, Lts. Honeck and Vignery worked up humorous routines based on the television shows The People's Court, Saturday Night Live and The Crocodile Hunter. These were performed as they went to meals, the only time they were together. They gradually developed good relations with their guards, with one guard inquiring of them the lyric for the song "Hotel California" by the Eagles. Three US diplomats were sent to Hainan to meet the crew and assess their conditions, and to negotiate their release. They were first allowed to meet with the crew three days after the collision. US officials complained at the slow pace of the Chinese decision. The 24 crew-members (including three women) were detained until April 11, shortly after the U.S. issued the "letter of the two sorries" to the Chinese. The Chinese military boarded the plane and thoroughly stripped and examined the aircraft's equipment.[15] Reliable sources have speculated that the crew were only partially successful in their destruction of the on-board data and technology, although no official information has been released.

March 9, 2009

Five Chinese ships have maneuvered dangerously close to an unarmed US navy surveillance vessel in the South China Sea, the US government says. US officials said the incident on Sunday came after days of "increasingly aggressive" acts by Chinese ships.
These violated international law on respecting other users of the seas, a Pentagon spokesman said.

The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 culminating in the Tiananmen Square Massacre (referred to in Chinese as the June Fourth Incident, to avoid confusion with two other Tiananmen Square protests) were a series of demonstrations in and near Tiananmen Square in Beijing in the People's Republic of China (PRC) beginning on April 14. Led mainly by students and intellectuals. The protests were sparked by the death of pro-market and pro-democracy official, Hu Yaobang, whom protesters wanted to mourn. By the eve of Hu's funeral, it had reached 100,000 people on the Tiananmen square. While the protests lacked a unified cause or leadership, participants were generally against the government's authoritarianism and voiced calls for economic change and democratic reform within the structure of the government. The demonstrations centered on Tiananmen Square in Beijing, but large-scale protests also occurred in cities throughout China, including Shanghai, which stayed peaceful throughout the protests. The movement lasted seven weeks from Hu's death on 15 April until tanks cleared Tiananmen Square on 4 June. In Beijing, the resulting military response to the protesters by the PRC government left many civilians dead or injured. The official death toll according to the Chinese government was 200 to 300, but Chinese student associations and the Chinese Red Cross reported 2,000 to 3,000 deaths

Apr 23, 2006
Since announcing its intent to comply with Internet censorship laws in the People's Republic of China, Google China has been the focus of controversy over what critics view as capitulation to the "Golden Shield Project" (also known as the Great Firewall of China). Because of its self-imposed censorship, whenever people search for interdicted Chinese keywords on a blocked list maintained by the PRC government, google.cn will display the following at the bottom of the page (translated): In accordance with local laws, regulations and policies, part of the search result is not shown. Dangerous words such as “Freedom” are especially banned.

Florida 2005
Ko-Suen "Bill" Moo was preparing for the endgame of a covert operation he'd been orchestrating for nearly two years. He had arrived in Fort Lauderdale at 5 am on Nov. 7, as the city was recovering from the onslaught of Hurricane Wilma two weeks earlier. Moo checked into a $350-a-night room at the plush Harbor Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, and now, a day after arriving in town, the Korean-born businessman was ready to sign what promised to be a lucrative contract. In a few days, he'd head back to Hollywood International Airport to see off a plane, chartered for $140,000 to carry a special package. Moo would catch a commercial flight and meet up with his cargo in Shenyang, a city in northeastern China. The cargo was costing him nearly $4 million, but it was worth it. He would clear $1 million in profit once he made the delivery to his clients, senior officials in the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Moo's package was an F110-GE-129 afterburning turbofan engine, built by General Electric to power America's latest F-16 fighter jet to speeds greater than Mach 2 (1500 mph). Over lunch in the Marriott's restaurant, 58-year-old Moo told the arms dealers who had arranged the purchase that he would soon be looking for additional engines--or even an entire F-16. But what the Chinese army wanted most of all was an AGM-129A, the U.S. Air Force's air-launched strategic nuclear-capable cruise missile. The stealth weapon, which flies at 800 miles per hour, can deliver a 150-kiloton W80 warhead to a target 1800 miles away. Like everything else Moo was shopping for, the missile is guarded by at least three laws forbidding its sale or the transfer of its design details to foreign countries without government permission. Moo knew this quite well. In addition to working as a covert agent for China, he had a day job in the U.S. aerospace industry. For more than 10 years Moo had been an international sales consultant for Lockheed Martin and other U.S. defense companies in Taiwan. He was arguably the Taiwanese air force's most critical arms broker.

This story of space espionage is amazing on so many levels:
The government is even letting us know about these facts. Usually this would be hidden away from citizens (for good reason). These secrets were stolen on an ongoing basis that went on for 25 years. China needed to resort to these levels. This will not strengthen China-US relations, it will only cause further stress.

Money.cnn.com reports:
"Dongfan Chung, who was employed by Rockwell International from 1973 until its defense and space unit was acquired by Boeing in 1996, also was charged with acting as an unregistered foreign agent of the People's Republic of China. He is a native of China and a naturalized U.S. citizen, the Justice Department said. The indictment alleges that Chung took and concealed Boeing trade secrets relating to the Space Shuttle, the C-17 military transport aircraft and the Delta IV rocket. Chung allegedly obtained the materials for the benefit of China, the government said." We previously talked about China's moon strategy but this espionage has now been made clear and laid out in the open - China has set its sights on space exploration and is pursuing it in various manners.

April 16, 2009

China’s navy will move fast to build large combat warships, next-generation aircraft and sophisticated torpedoes. Submarines with greater stealth, and long-range missiles with high accuracy.

April 19, 2009

Researchers and parents who have lost their children in the 7.9 quake are being harassed and arrested for asking questions. Just one example is Tan Zuoren, a literary editor and environmentalist who was creating an archive of children killed was arrested in March on charges of “subverting state authority”.

May 2009
Four incidents, and more to come, of U.S. ships being harassed by Chinese vessels in International Waters of the Red Sea.

Journalist are given Visas with a Chinese "J" so they can be better controlled and even turned away from visiting parts of the country.

The conflict with North Korea could be resolved overnight if China merely threaten to end it's support. They prop up North Korea out of fear of Democracy creeping up from South Korea. Oh, the horror! Just the idea of freedom being so close to their border is very worrisome for this dictatorship.

What the Beatles sung about years ago is still true today. "If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you aint going to make it with anyone anyhow".

This is all FYI – Just keep this in mind as our politicians make policy with the monster that is China. An ancient culture with good people that are being governed by leaders that do not have the best interest at heart for their own people, let alone for America!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Survey says... I'm going to hell?

Recently I was informed that I am going to hell. This was done, with all sincerity, by a fundamentalist Christian family member.

Now, I know I am a good person but I suspect even psychopaths also think they are good people. My word is my bond; I am kind to animals and strangers. My single favorite word is "Honor" I think the entire Ten Commandments could be reduced to instruct "Live a life of Honor". I have been on a bit of a spiritual journey. Lately I have been interested in Deism, " The belief in God based only on reason and nature." Many of our Founding Fathers were Deist.

I have had some issues with the Bible being 100% divinely inspired. I have actually read the Bible, Old and New Testaments, more than once. The myth of the Garden of Eden seems to have been borrowed from the Epic of Gilgamesh is just one example of inconsistencies. Stories that seem to be digs at the Roman Empire and less about faith. Lott offering up his daughter to be raped is told as a good thing. The dates, the subjects, the age of the Earth, the denial of Evolution, what mankind has done in the name of God; It is all a bit much.

I have been exposed to many religions. I guess I am a "Seeker". I am not the type who blames all of society problems on the mind control of organized religion. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and other mass murders were Atheist. Currently, Muslim extremist are an issue. I suspect that many are only using religion as an excuse to grab power and keep women in their place. But still, the Twin Towers were hit. (Thanks in large part to Saudi Arabia but that is a different blog.)

Anyway, I could not let the hypocritical assertion that "I am going to hell" go unchallenged. So I asked. "Are all practicing Jews going to hell?" "Yes" was the reply. "How about Catholics?" "Definitely" "So for sure all of the Muslims, Buddhist, Hindus and Agnostics are going to hell, right?" Again, "Yes" was the reply "and furthermore most Christians are going to hell, because they are not real Christians" Wow, there is going to be a lot of elbow room in Heaven.

Apparently, the only SURE way to get into Heaven is to be aborted before birth or die as a very young child. And what a bargain. Heaven is forever. I would gladly trade the most wonderful life on Earth for eternity in Heaven if given the choice.

Meanwhile I will continue my prayers for faith, wisdom and enlightenment. Life is after all a journey. But what of the destination?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Chiken, the Egg & the Meaning of Life:

So you thought you may actually get a bit of insight on a subject as deep as "The Meaning of Life" by clicking into this blog? Good for you! I too am a relentless optimist who finds truth and beauty in strange and unexpected places.

Before I just tell you, I need to give you some background first. My search for the Meaning of Life started out as a bit of a joke. I was a snarky 15 year old with a video camera. This was a big deal at the time. I knew only two adults that had a camera and zero kids. So between using my camera to flirt with girls, I used to ambush and interview people. I would ask a few warm up questions and then ask them "What is the meaning of life?". I guess you can say I am an "old soul" and at age 15 I did read a bit more than my friends and I was obsessed with lyrics, animals and archeology. But I was very much a hyper, rowdy kid and I was asking the Meaning of Life because I was (and am) a smart alack and I thought this would be an unexpected, unanswerable question. Very much to my surprise people started answering me. Many with little hesitation. Furthermore I started to see a pattern. So what did I accidentally discover? The meaning of life, according to my early research is... Family Friends and Relationships! Who knew? I didn't.

Mostly because I never thought that much about it. Since then I have found that to be true but not the whole truth. I would add to that. The meaning of life is our Relationships and the SEEKING of The Meaning of Life. Another simple way to put it is that Life is a Journey... and if you spend too much time thinking, or worse worrying, about the destination you will miss out. It is very short. Enjoy the ride! For years, from age 12 to age 22, I knew I had to be an actor. I was single minded in my pursuit. One day I analyzed why I thought I had to be an actor and the answer was because it made me happy. So I really did not want to be an actor, I wanted to be happy. This little epiphany freed me! I renewed my passion for writing, I started taking production classes and directing music videos and shorts. Most of all I started traveling the world. Absolutely nothing can be as deep and spiritual as traveling. We are one people, living on one small planet. We are all connected and it is a damn small world. Our only differences are cultural. We are all brothers and sisters.

So there it is. The Meaning of Life is, in part, Relationships, the Way we Treat Other Living Beings and the Journey. So what is the whole meaning? I don't know. My favorite line from the Christian Bible, and from Led Zeppelin, is "All will be revealed."!


A little extra: We are immortal because energy can not be destroyed, only transformed. Every molecule of water that has ever existed is still here. You are drinking the same water that Jesus, George Washington and Attila the Hun drank. What came first the chicken or the egg? That is an easy one. The egg came first. There were two chicken-like things continuing to evolve and eventually they produced an egg that produced a chicken.

I believe in evolution but I also believe in a Creator. Is religion used to appease and control the masses. Obviously, but that does not preclude a Creator. Exactly what was there before the "Big Bang"? Note: The "Big Bang" was very, very small and there was no "bang" as there is no sound in space.

Speaking of "sound" if a tree falls in the woods and there's no one there to hear it, does it make a sound? Yes. If we as a society determine that falling trees make sounds, then they make sounds no mater what.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Best to not put too much human emotion and reason to chickens. I suspect that different chickens at different times cross roads for different reasons.

Let's see....what else? Umm... the toilet paper roll goes over not under, question everything, especially authority and mass media and remember to enjoy the journey.

Peace, Love and Light. Tony Stengel

Monday, February 2, 2009

Why Hippies Suck.

So the torch has been passes to a new generation. The Baby Boomers were a bust. The last two Presidents were of the Baby Boomer / Hippie generation. What a disappointment.

Clinton smoked pot and still could not reform our draconian, failing, unconstitutional drug policies. Even as they apply to just non-violent pot smokers. Amazingly, not even to Hemp, an industrial crop that could replace paper (saving trees, eliminating oil based products, saving top soil and reducing poisons in our environment). No one could get high on Hemp even if they did inhale.

George W. Bush is almost too easy of a target. Many call him the worst president ever. We will be living with his disasters for many generations to come. And his failure to secure our borders will assuredly lead to future terrorist attacks. And as far as drug policy reform, the word is he was a bigger stoner than Clinton. Cocaine and kegs were alright for him but will get an average American a lifetime in prison. How many murders get short sentences (national average 11 years) to make room for non violent offenders who would serve society better by going into rehab or just being left alone, if they broke no other laws than substance usage?

If you think it is unfair to Hippies lump Clinton and Bush in with them, then let me point out specifically what a failure they turned out to be. They made up a huge voting block and little has changed. They sold out! They became corporate America. They are the Hippocrates that tried to limit free speech in Heavy Metal music, the same people that played rock music during their rallies without the musician’s permission. We are still uptight about sexuality and insanely, we still can’t even use certain words on television. Not even on late night news programs. Hearing grown men say “bleep” over and over again when trying to quote Chicago Governor Blagojevich was just beyond silly! No children are watching CNN at 11pm. We all know what the bleeps mean, just Fucking say it!

I often feel compelled to acknowledge the other view of my own opinions so, I do enjoy much of the music from the 1960’s, they were actual musicians that actually played instruments and sang. I do like the color of tie dyed clothes. I very much appreciate their thirst for knowledge, self discovery and openness to other religions and cultures. They undoubtedly helped bring the Vietnam War to an end sooner. But did little to avoid all the other wars, small and large, that our country has waged.

Maybe knowing that all the promises and potential of the Peace movement seems to have been wasted is what makes them such a disappointment. So as you ex-hippies drive your Beamers and give less than lip service to making our country a better place, I say “I expected more from you all”. I have no problem taking responsibility for my generation but we never claimed to be here to save the world. We did not come up with “give peace a chance” and vote into office two duds in a row. We did not champion the Vegetarian lifestyle only to be left with hormone and antibiotic poisoned food supply that has caused a new epidemic of super incurable viruses. We did not preach about “living simply” and wind up with shorter life spans due to pollution and greed. We are left to clean up after you and the world is smaller, dirtier and more dangerous than it ever was. Everything is a polluted, broken, corrupt mess. And it could not have been so screwed up without your compliance. The Doors sung that “they had the guns but you had the numbers” Sadly you never “took over”.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Open Letter to the Screen Actors Guild

Before you get the idea that I am just writing to bash SAG, because I am going to a little bit. You need to know that I am a BIG supporter of the guild. I have been a member of SAG (and AFTRA) for over 20 years. I am a member of the SAG Native American Caucus and a volunteer Director at the SAG Conservatory / AFI for over 12 seasons. I have acted as Sergeant at Arms and I actively participated in the last strike. I also do more than most members (and Americans) do, and that is VOTE!

With that out of the way, I am not happy with SAG. There will always be something that a member can find fault in. We rent when we used to own our own building, the way SAG sold out the background performers when they first took jurisdiction, performers with disabilities have fallen so far off the radar that they don’t even keep stats for them, a casting website “iActor” is finally up, 15 years late, the lousy deal we got in the last contract in regard to DVD’s, etc.

But regarding the strike, first we were unsure and then we thought the WGA took care of a lot of our issues, now it seems to be a coin toss. I think there will be a strike but I hope not. A week after the WGA settled their strike I found myself at one of those small A-List Hollywood insider parties. The ones in million dollar homes with producers and Oscar winners, butler service, pictures of people with Andy Warhol, the Queen and JFK on the wall, etc. You know the type. Anyway when the small party got smaller the producers started dishing on the potential of a SAG strike, they insisted that there will be a strike. Remember this was just after the WGA strike ended, when we were all optimistic. One very big producer said something that I found very interesting. He said that “aside from the top level…actors are not partners in the industry”. Ouch!

They have respect for crew members but not the actor. I think it is because of the often lack of professionalism. I am blaming SAG! They have no standards, no training and no concerns other than Dues, Health and Pension and a bit of Safety. What other union allows untrained, unprofessional people to represent them. Could you imagine trying to join a Carpenters Union while barely knowing what a hammer is? There are no standards to even something as simple as how a resume should look. “Featured” has come to mean extra work, but it is not. Arriving late, not knowing how to hit a mark, maintain an eye line, repeat blocking in different frames or act on set -ON CAMERA, cost production money! Do we deserve a raise? Is it fair to learn on set when we are being paid, very well, to perform as professionals? I could go on but my point is this. I urge SAG members to insist that our guild negotiates hard and is not fast to strike. A strike would effect a lot of people but sadly the over 80% of SAG members who earn a living from non acting jobs will be the least effected. For the working actors and those that may become one someday, we need a piece of new media, a say in product placement, as it deprives us of potential commercial revenue, and more compensation for DVD’s. Then we need some standards put in place so that we will have deserved what we got.

For too long has the word Actor been codeword for “Flake”. I am also a Director / Producer so I see both sides. I want the best for SAG members and I want them to deserve it! Join me in holding our union accountable!

Yours in solidarity