It is well past the time to STOP trying to save the planet.
It is a bunch of talk, it is an emerging industry,
it's a lot of bumper stickers...
it is NOT working!
It is time to change the focus to
Given time the planet will recover just fine.
It's we that face extinction.
Surely, future generations will think we were completely mad.
what else could the think? Were we demonically possessed? Victims of an alien conspiracy? What could possibly be the reason that we destroyed all humanity?
Can the answer be as simple as greed? Hello Washington D.C., can it be greed? Can people in power really be so stupid, so short sighted, so greedy... as to kill themselves and everybody else?
Our water is poisoned, our air is poisoned, our food is poisoned, we have unleashed epidemics and destroyed our immune systems. This is all usually, and easily, traced to some form of corporation trying to squeeze an extra few cents of profit. But lately even when it is proved that many healthier choices are cheaper to achieve and/or have a higher profit potential, they are still ignored in favor of business as usual.
As if we could put a price on our very survival anyway. But since so much of our actions are tied to corporate profits it simply dumbfounds that even the promise of higher returns seems to not deter the destruction.
Later in the life of comedian George Carlin, when he went from being really funny and a little bitter, to really bitter and only a little funny, he used to say something like "screw it all, let the cockroaches have the planet - I'm hoping for a nice nuclear war to speed up the exit of humans". So that was how George felt. Was he mirroring our national policy? I mean what the fuck?!
It's a doomsday scenario! Do we really need to wait until we are choking on the ashes of our destroyed planet before we take real action? Real action that is really too late?
In the simplest approach, we need to clean up our home! And our air, water and food.
I would much rather put my efforts into some kind of revolutionary shift in culture, something that may be a long shot but deserves trying. Something like fighting the good fight. I am amazed that there is even a debate regarding saving the humans!
I do not care one bit if somebody does not believe in global warming - at this point in our history there are dozens of other big issues that are killing us. If we fix them we will be on the right path and the right mind set to worry about climate change. We cant even fix the things we agree on. It just does not bode well for us.
One small yet important example is that we are so addicted to oil that when we are victims of a terror attack, financed by oil producing countries, especially Saudi Arabia a dictatorship we have long supported, our President Bush tells us to "continue life (of consumption) as usual". We were not asked to sacrifice or conserve.
Our President Obama is only a little better. Only a little better than his predecessor who was arguably the worst President in modern American history. Talk about setting the bar low. So we are fighting a war on terror? Spreading freedom? While we support a dictatorship for oil? While we pollute? While we still refuse to even secure our borders? It is a bullshit. Just as in the Drug War or any other war, the goal is not to win the goal is to profit and the longer the wars the more the profits.
So where will these people who worship power and profit over ever thing else spend their profits when the Earth finally shakes us off? Who will they enjoy power over when mankind is extinct. How can they be so shortsighted, how can we let them continue?
I want my future grandchildren to know that I tried, I spoke truth to power, with my words,my deeds and my wallet, I was conscience every single day about trying to do the right thing. I fear that it was not enough. I know that real change can start with one person, and I know I am not alone. But I can not get over the fact that we are KNOWINGLY killing ourselves.
There is no belief in God or we would not do this to the planet, there is no belief in mankind or we would be doing this to ourselves. The is no morality or we would not be doing this to the children. There is nothing but a corrupt system run by corrupt people. The fact that they too will be wiped out gives little comfort. Sorry kids... I tried, I really did.
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