Up front I need to disclose that I am NOT anti vaccine. I am just sharing my experience in regards to the Flu Vaccine and the ever increasing amounts of vaccines that happen to be approved for use by the same people who stand to profit from them. Similar issues have arisen from allowing Big Pharm to "invent" new diseases and market on TV the drugs to cure them. Something most other countries wont allow.
So, I have been doing a bit of research and asking a lot of doctors about the flu vaccines. We have been leaning towards NOT vaccinating our children or ourselves but I want to do the right thing especially for our kids.
One pediatrician (Dr. Wakins) said NOT to vaccinate and he and his staff NEVER recommend it and they NEVER get it themselves. I found it interesting that a group of health care workers, that are around sick kids everyday, do not get vaccinated. He went on to advise that in regards to the other childhood schedule of vaccines, we do NOT get the "cocktail" of vaccines in a single shot. Best to spread them out individually of time. Means more trips to the doctor but seems obvious that it should be easier on the child's body to get smaller doses.
We asked another pediatrician, (Dr. Menendez) he said we could get the Flu Vaccine if it makes us feel better but it was unnecessary. And he agreed that avoiding the "cocktail" makes sense. And advised daily cleaning the children's noses with warm salt water on a Q Tip and giving them a spoonful of Honey as a real tool to avoid getting sick. Especially during flu season. I give honey in the morning and clean noses before bedtime. I call it "Tickle Nose Time" to put a good spin on it. And it's working so far.
A third doctor (Dr. Holmes) that I have known for many years and has a crazy amount of diverse training and awards went further. He recommended the book "The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination Is Not Immunization" by Tim O'Shea The best, most thoroughly researched source about the shocking history and the horrors of the vaccine industry and went on to talk about "herd immunity" and how most all disease were declining and or gone before they were re-introduced and purposefully mutated by vaccines. He and his staff also do not get vaccinated.
I keep in mind that there is also money to be made by debunking Vaccines, so I remain open minded in both directions.
People can only get sick if their immune system is weak from poor diet or other issues AND it is better to treat an illness than to inject any dubious vaccine. If it is too weak to make you sick, than it is too weak to trigger your full defenses BUT may well just be strong enough to build up in your body to make you sick, or die, later and to alter you DNA for all future generations.
I am a bit of a history buff, I knew about the origins, Salk, Pasteur etc. What I did not know is that it was a scam from the very beginning - The first Small Pox kid forced to be vaccinated died at age 20 as did Salk's own son. Pasteur even gave a deathbed confession.
Junk science, statistical manipulation and outright lies - I urge you to spend only a couple hours getting educated about it before blindly getting injected. Remember that many doctors make a lot of money by treating healthy people instead of just the sick, and they also get to treat the people made sick. It is simply too important to take the word of people who have a financial interest in the subject.
Remember when we were in school? How very few kids used inhalants? If vaccines are so great why are we sicker? If they work so well why do we need "booster" shots?
In 1980 they recommended 20 vaccines for children - by 2008 it was up to 68 - now add to that the Adult Recommendations (that NO other country does) and we are expected to get 150 vaccines in our lifetime. Give me a break! I called the CDC but - surprise, they are all just reading from a script given to them and can not answer any tough factual questions.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and yes, I know what is injected into Turkeys and other livestock. I know that the Antibiotics in their flesh and in the our water supply from their pee seeping into aquifers has caused an epidemic of "Super Bugs" where a little scratch can now KILL a person - our poison food supply is another issue for another time.
We vaccinate far more than any other country, it is making us far sicker than other countries, (37th in infant mortality) it is not fully tested, there is zero oversight, it may be changing our DNA and it is all for the Love of Money!
Money used to buy off politicians.
While true that mercury and other poisons are not still being produced "Big Pharm" have a "stock pile" exemption, that means 40 years worth of known poisons injected into our infants and children.
Please do not let this article or a single person or book change your mind about vaccines. Do what "they" do not want you to do - get educated.
Do it for yourself. Do it for your family. Do it out of the desire to not reward the Pharmaceutical companies for their criminal deceit.
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