So the California Supreme Court has upheld Proposition 8 and the gay fascist are all in a tither. Twice now we have voted to keep the definition as is. Our vote should be respected. It should not come as a surprise that gays can be as intolerant of other views as any other group. Now that's inclusion American style.
As a moderate with strong Libertarian leanings, I am feeling a bit put off by all the celebrity zealousness. Am I that off base as compared to many of the artist who's work I enjoy?
I believe that being gay is NOT a choice. But defining ones self by ones sexuality is a choice. As is putting on a parade based on bedroom preferences. I find it mostly just amusing. I wish I had that kind of free time. I have sex - let's march!
If Civil Unions are not all they should be than we should fix that. If it comes down to words, well that is simple enough. Let the definition stay as is, call Gay Marriage "Garriage" and we can all use "spouse" and "divorce". It all starts to get a bit silly. Unless you are under attack for believing that Dr. Martin Luther King JR. did not march, and die, so that people can claim a sexual preference as a civil right / minority issue.
I have plenty of gay friends and associates. I know that people tend to say that often but I have lived in three states, been to over 20 schools and 30 countries. I have worked in dozens of jobs, blue color, white color and Entertainment industry. So... I simply have been fortunate enough to meet and befriend a lot of different people. Recently one of my closer (and gayer) friends asked my opinion. When I told him my thoughts, as laid out in this blog, he replied "when you put it that way, I have to agree with you" Since then I have found that often the most intolerant people were not gay. Certainly not any of the gay employees of El Coyote restaurant who were attacked because one single person there dared to take part in the political process by supporting Prop. 8. It had been many months since I visited the restaurant and years since I dined there three days a week. So I started going back just to show my support. I will do the same with any institution that is attacked simply for standing by their religious beliefs. I am not a fan of religion but I am a big fan of beliefs and freedom.
All the media attention over Miss California, and her opinions on gay marriage, was also ridiculous. Much more interesting to me was the total lack of controversy a few years back when Miss Hawaii was asked "If your father was DYING and in PAIN would you support his use of Medical Marijuana"? Her amazing (paraphrased) response was "I would NOT support him making that choice but I would stay by him and just be there for him". Is she a cowardly idiot who thought she was being politically correct or just an idiot? Either way I am damn glad she is not my daughter. I'll tell you what Miss Hawaii if your dad is dying and in pain I will help him. Obviously I have more common sense and compassion for this stranger than his own daughter. Shameful!
It is a no-brainer that anybody, of any sexual orientation should be able to assign a person to be their partner for all the legal benefits and needs. That also means that opposite sex couples should have that choice without the need to get married.
Prop 8 passed because current domestic partner laws assure that everybody has the same rights, as well they should, and society has simply decided that the term "marriage" should remain between a man and a women. It had less to do with religious fanaticism, evidenced by the fact that parental notification for underage abortion failed.
I can't help but to remember how the Cleveland Browns got to keep the name "Browns" and Baltimore still got a football team. Seemed like a win-win. So lets give all people the right to choose a partner (and to go to war and to adopt, etc.) and let marriage stay as is. Win-win.
Maybe someday anybody will be able to marry anybody, or anybodies or anything. I will not treat it like the end of the world. Sadly, I am sure we will all still have more important issues to worry about. Remember, murder, hunger, injustice at every turn? It is just not that big a deal by comparison. OR maybe someday we will just have sex and stop obsessing, and defining ourselves, over it.
Finally, I do not buy, at all, that this is a civil rights issue. I am sexually attracted to being with two women at the same time. Where do I sign up for my "minority" status?
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