Besides sending us poison baby food, poison toothpaste, poison pet food, poison led painted toys and buying up our forest, homes and business; They have much more sinister plans. With the power of their population combined with all the money we give them and all the technology they steal from us - They intend to have their moment on the world stage. They fully intend to be a Super Power. Something I have warned about for years was to be on the look out for a pact between China and Russia. This is the next crucial step in their plan and it has already come to pass.
Russo – Chinese Pact
Jul 16, 2001 ... The Russian and Chinese leaders, united in their opposition to US missile defense plans, sign their first treaty in 50 years.
Some small examples of how dangerous China is.
First some good things; I admire the long history of China. They invented paper, fireworks and the noodle that became Pasta thanks to Marco Polo. They are not afraid to use, or export, the miracle textile plant known as Hemp, just because it’s distant cousin is Cannabis. They also execute their most egregious white color criminals. So regardless of ones stand on the Death Penalty, it is more fair than just executing low income minorities while the rich buy a different form of “justice”. But “fairness” ends there as plenty of Authorities avoid justice in China; they just put more emphasis on protecting their image than giving breaks to the rich.
As is often the case, America helped to create this monster by our thirst for cheap goods. We, and the planet, are choking on all the plastic and other child-slave labor goods. Detroit insistence on building big crappy cars drove us to Japan and China now wants a piece of that market too.
Fewer drivers than the United States but 10 times the accidents. Okay, so stereotypes of Asian drivers aside, they are simply new to the car culture. But beware if you find your self there as it is common practice that if a driver accidentally hits a pedestrian they proceed to try and kill them with their car as it is cheaper to pay for a fatality than to pay for the medical care. What started as an accident becomes intentional murder. Harsh!
1951: China annexes the whole of Tibet
1959: Tibetans riot against Chinese occupation (87,000 dead)
Since then the Chinese have started wiping out the locals by simply moving in their own people. In no time there will be very few Tibetans alive in Tibet compared to the number of Chinese.
China has over one billion people!
That fact alone makes them very powerful.
And what they are doing with that power is disturbing.
The Hainan Island incident was the April 1, 2001
For 15 minutes after landing, the U.S. aircraft crew continued to destroy sensitive items and data on board the aircraft, as per Department of Defense protocol. They disembarked from the plane after soldiers looked through windows, pointed guns, and yelled over bullhorns. The Chinese offered them water and cigarettes. Kept under close guard, they were taken to a military barracks at Lingshui where they were interrogated for two nights before being moved to a lodge at Haikou. They were treated well in general, but were interrogated at all hours, and so suffered from lack of sleep. They found the un-Westernized Chinese food unpalatable as it included fish heads, but this later improved. Guards gave them decks of cards and an English-language newspaper. To pass the time and keep spirits up, Lts. Honeck and Vignery worked up humorous routines based on the television shows The People's Court, Saturday Night Live and The Crocodile Hunter. These were performed as they went to meals, the only time they were together. They gradually developed good relations with their guards, with one guard inquiring of them the lyric for the song "Hotel California" by the Eagles. Three US diplomats were sent to Hainan to meet the crew and assess their conditions, and to negotiate their release. They were first allowed to meet with the crew three days after the collision. US officials complained at the slow pace of the Chinese decision. The 24 crew-members (including three women) were detained until April 11, shortly after the U.S. issued the "letter of the two sorries" to the Chinese. The Chinese military boarded the plane and thoroughly stripped and examined the aircraft's equipment.[15] Reliable sources have speculated that the crew were only partially successful in their destruction of the on-board data and technology, although no official information has been released.
March 9, 2009
Five Chinese ships have maneuvered dangerously close to an unarmed US navy surveillance vessel in the South China Sea, the US government says. US officials said the incident on Sunday came after days of "increasingly aggressive" acts by Chinese ships.
These violated international law on respecting other users of the seas, a Pentagon spokesman said.
The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 culminating in the Tiananmen Square Massacre (referred to in Chinese as the June Fourth Incident, to avoid confusion with two other Tiananmen Square protests) were a series of demonstrations in and near Tiananmen Square in Beijing in the People's Republic of China (PRC) beginning on April 14. Led mainly by students and intellectuals. The protests were sparked by the death of pro-market and pro-democracy official, Hu Yaobang, whom protesters wanted to mourn. By the eve of Hu's funeral, it had reached 100,000 people on the Tiananmen square. While the protests lacked a unified cause or leadership, participants were generally against the government's authoritarianism and voiced calls for economic change and democratic reform within the structure of the government. The demonstrations centered on Tiananmen Square in Beijing, but large-scale protests also occurred in cities throughout China, including Shanghai, which stayed peaceful throughout the protests. The movement lasted seven weeks from Hu's death on 15 April until tanks cleared Tiananmen Square on 4 June. In Beijing, the resulting military response to the protesters by the PRC government left many civilians dead or injured. The official death toll according to the Chinese government was 200 to 300, but Chinese student associations and the Chinese Red Cross reported 2,000 to 3,000 deaths
Apr 23, 2006
Since announcing its intent to comply with Internet censorship laws in the People's Republic of China, Google China has been the focus of controversy over what critics view as capitulation to the "Golden Shield Project" (also known as the Great Firewall of China). Because of its self-imposed censorship, whenever people search for interdicted Chinese keywords on a blocked list maintained by the PRC government, google.cn will display the following at the bottom of the page (translated): In accordance with local laws, regulations and policies, part of the search result is not shown. Dangerous words such as “Freedom” are especially banned.
Florida 2005,
Ko-Suen "Bill" Moo was preparing for the endgame of a covert operation he'd been orchestrating for nearly two years. He had arrived in Fort Lauderdale at 5 am on Nov. 7, as the city was recovering from the onslaught of Hurricane Wilma two weeks earlier. Moo checked into a $350-a-night room at the plush Harbor Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, and now, a day after arriving in town, the Korean-born businessman was ready to sign what promised to be a lucrative contract. In a few days, he'd head back to Hollywood International Airport to see off a plane, chartered for $140,000 to carry a special package. Moo would catch a commercial flight and meet up with his cargo in Shenyang, a city in northeastern China. The cargo was costing him nearly $4 million, but it was worth it. He would clear $1 million in profit once he made the delivery to his clients, senior officials in the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Moo's package was an F110-GE-129 afterburning turbofan engine, built by General Electric to power America's latest F-16 fighter jet to speeds greater than Mach 2 (1500 mph). Over lunch in the Marriott's restaurant, 58-year-old Moo told the arms dealers who had arranged the purchase that he would soon be looking for additional engines--or even an entire F-16. But what the Chinese army wanted most of all was an AGM-129A, the U.S. Air Force's air-launched strategic nuclear-capable cruise missile. The stealth weapon, which flies at 800 miles per hour, can deliver a 150-kiloton W80 warhead to a target 1800 miles away. Like everything else Moo was shopping for, the missile is guarded by at least three laws forbidding its sale or the transfer of its design details to foreign countries without government permission. Moo knew this quite well. In addition to working as a covert agent for China, he had a day job in the U.S. aerospace industry. For more than 10 years Moo had been an international sales consultant for Lockheed Martin and other U.S. defense companies in Taiwan. He was arguably the Taiwanese air force's most critical arms broker.
This story of space espionage is amazing on so many levels:
The government is even letting us know about these facts. Usually this would be hidden away from citizens (for good reason). These secrets were stolen on an ongoing basis that went on for 25 years. China needed to resort to these levels. This will not strengthen China-US relations, it will only cause further stress.
Money.cnn.com reports:
"Dongfan Chung, who was employed by Rockwell International from 1973 until its defense and space unit was acquired by Boeing in 1996, also was charged with acting as an unregistered foreign agent of the People's Republic of China. He is a native of China and a naturalized U.S. citizen, the Justice Department said. The indictment alleges that Chung took and concealed Boeing trade secrets relating to the Space Shuttle, the C-17 military transport aircraft and the Delta IV rocket. Chung allegedly obtained the materials for the benefit of China, the government said." We previously talked about China's moon strategy but this espionage has now been made clear and laid out in the open - China has set its sights on space exploration and is pursuing it in various manners.
April 16, 2009
China’s navy will move fast to build large combat warships, next-generation aircraft and sophisticated torpedoes. Submarines with greater stealth, and long-range missiles with high accuracy.
April 19, 2009
Researchers and parents who have lost their children in the 7.9 quake are being harassed and arrested for asking questions. Just one example is Tan Zuoren, a literary editor and environmentalist who was creating an archive of children killed was arrested in March on charges of “subverting state authority”.
May 2009
Four incidents, and more to come, of U.S. ships being harassed by Chinese vessels in International Waters of the Red Sea.
Journalist are given Visas with a Chinese "J" so they can be better controlled and even turned away from visiting parts of the country.
The conflict with North Korea could be resolved overnight if China merely threaten to end it's support. They prop up North Korea out of fear of Democracy creeping up from South Korea. Oh, the horror! Just the idea of freedom being so close to their border is very worrisome for this dictatorship.
What the Beatles sung about years ago is still true today. "If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you aint going to make it with anyone anyhow".
This is all FYI – Just keep this in mind as our politicians make policy with the monster that is China. An ancient culture with good people that are being governed by leaders that do not have the best interest at heart for their own people, let alone for America!
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