Boycotting Bottled Water as a simple, yet effective, way to help yourself and your planet.
My absurd amount of experiences and professions include my times as a Nutritionist and “National Academy of
Sports Medicine” Certified Personal Trainer. And by far my favorite drink is
Ice Water. My studies in subjects as disparate as Geo Politics, Evolution and
Health have revealed sort of a “no brainer” Water is a big deal! A necessity of
staying alive, the source of all life and what future wars will be fought over.
Some of the facts about the
Bottled Water industry and what you can very easily do
to protect yourself and others from the toxic dangers:
I. First, the problem and the perpetrators:
PepsiCo, Coca-Cola and Nestlé Waters have a
defacto monopoly over your bottled waters and monopolies are never good for
consumers. –
The pollution from Bottled Water crosses more
lines than your average toxic concerns.
They pollute while extracting the water.
They pollute while transporting the water to the
They pollute while manufacturing the bottles
from petrol chemical.
They pollute while transporting the bottles to
the reseller, often requiring, trucks, planes and trucks again in worldwide
The chemicals pollute you when you drink the
The discarded bottle pollutes the oceans and if
you eat fish, you get polluted again.

The sales of water rights often circumvent the
will, or even knowledge, of local residents.
Water extraction can cause damage to underground
cave system.
The effects:
B. Chemicals have been found to actually turn fish transgender, creating real concerns for pregnant woman Washington Examiner “County pressures Virginia regarding pollutants tied to transgender fish” - “The intersex phenomenon, in which male bass are found with eggs in their testes, raised enough red flags to prompt a congressional hearing. The problem has been tied to endocrine disrupters, or EDCs, chemicals that tamper with the fish’s hormonal balance. Environmental scientists are not clear on the full ramifications and worry the pollutants could be harmful to human health. They are also uncertain how to curb the pollution.”

Simple and effective solutions:
II. There are some very
specific and easy ways to save yourself and your planet.
Stop buying Bottled water! Ed Begley’s 2010 article in the Saturday Evening Post “10 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint” states - "Industry estimates say 80 percent of bottled-water containers still wind up
in landfills. Invest in a water filtering system that attaches to your kitchen sink."
conclusion, know that Plastic isn’t evil. It’s how we use it.
And we use 50 billion bottles of water
each year using 17 million barrels of oil to produce and 80% end up in landfills.
But it’s not just bottles. 500 Million Plastic Straws are used daily
just in America. A completely unnecessary item that dulls the taste of your
drink. We all know it is the class policy to refrain from vulgarities. Often
when a person cusses, it is because they are too inarticulate to express
themselves. And if one goes around cussing all the time, it takes away the
impact for the occasional times when a good curse word is justified, like in
the expression of art, or when you drop something heavy on your toe or like today
with this subject. So fair warning, later I’m going to drop the F-Bomb. I have
laid out the reasons and the ease of immediately ceasing to buy and drink
bottled water. Maybe you’re still not convinced? Maybe you are fatalistic and
just don’t care if you are poisoned? Maybe you think Jesus will return before
we completely kill the oceans followed by the entire planet? Maybe you don’t
have kids, or you hate them? It cant be laziness because it’s too easy to use a
refillable bottle. But let’s say none of these facts persuaded you. How about it’s
time to cop an attitude? How about this? Fuck Them! If they want to steal our
water, pollute their way around the world, kill the entire ocean, kill the
entire planet, poison you and everyone you care about? At the very least, say I’m
not gonna PAY them to do it. Fuck them. We are onto you and count me as one
less sucker in your unethical, destructive, greedy corporate scheme! –
You and Go Green!
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