So even some former “Green Warriors” have been jumping on the Nuclear Power bandwagon. Talking about subsidizing 7 to 10 Billion Dollars per new power plant. The price and the need to subsidize alone tell us that this is not the system for us.
Most people know there are issues with Nuclear Waste, even if they do not know the figures. The United States has accumulated over 50,000 metric tons of spent fuel from reactors. According to the E.P.A., the same agency that suffers from politics and consistently fails us, the spent fuel will decay after 10,000 years. So if they say 10,000, do not be surprised if it is 50,000 or more. And some would have us believe that “low level” waste is even safe for landfills. We have not built a new plant since 1996 for good reasons and even that was too recent. All of these figures leave out the very real possibility of accidents, natural disasters and terrorist attacks.
Some like to hold up France as a model but the French also have a big problem with the waste and other by products. American politicians love to put down Europe for their Social Standards and sanity of their Drug Policies but when it is convenient they turn to France as an example of why this monster should be allowed to grow. Give us a break.
It is easy to just say no to something that can kill all life on the planet but I can do even better. I can offer other options.
Wind and Solar where it works best with continued research in improving battery and power storage and transportation.
Wave generating technology. Waves move in, out, up and down consistently. Every second of every day.
Thermal technology, especially where we have endless heat very close to the surface. The geysers of Yellow Stone are one example of thermal energy possibilities.
We have the technology to tether panels from the ground to above the Earths atmosphere where the sun rays are so much stronger that a little would go a long way. As in powering most of the country.
Hemp for fuel!... And for oil, paper, housing, transportation, textiles and food. Hemp uses little water, zero pesticides and matures in months verses decades for a tree. It removes carbon monoxide as it grows and replenishes the soil when toiled under. This versatile plant is banned because it's cousin of the Cannabis plant. In what other case of a person or thing does society judge one by the actions of their cousin?
These alternatives would greatly reduce pollution. No need to debate if Global Warming is man made, make Al Gore a billionaire and put a semi-fascist U.N. global policy in place. Let’s just stop polluting because it’s the right thing to do. Let’s not crap where we eat… and drink and sleep and live and breath. Few things pollute as thoroughly as Nuclear Waste. Interesting how simply doing the right things can have a positive domino effect and other issues will be solved. Let the hacks find some other scare tactic to maintain control over the masses. We need to draw the line on pollution of our food, water, air and planet.
I suggest a combination of alternatives where they work best, and goodbye for good to the tyranny of making billionaires out of terrorist countries. Goodbye for good to Coal and the oxymoron, more accurately the lie, of “Clean Coal”. And lets figure out a way to rid ourselves of the scourge of the Nuclear Plants we still have instead of even considering building more.