On Monday, the U.S. Department of Justice and Canada's Competition Bureau approved the merger of Ticketmaster and Live Nation. One of the conditions of the merger is that Ticketmaster cannot retaliate against any venue owner who chooses to use another company's ticketing services, or another company's promotional services.
Not a bad deal for Ticketmaster since there will be less competition then ever to worry about, or bully, anyway.
I am a 3 decade veteran of over 300 concerts and I'll tell you the same thing as any casual concert goer: This sucks!
The company that charges fees upon fees and kicks back sales mere seconds after start times to their "Premium Division" so they can sell 99% of the seats at a 300% mark up, wants even more. Greed seems to be a root of a lot of our ills and Ticketmaster is worse than most scalpers.
Ever wonder why tickets for concerts and sports go on sale at 8:00 am and are "sold out" before 8:01am? Well that's why. I have hated those scumbags as long as I can remember. They were bad even in the early days when they had some competition. They are so arrogant that they once even tried to sell me a tee shirt over the phone! Sure, I'll drop 30 bucks for a shirt I can't see. I pressed the operator to describe the shirt... she couldn't see it either. There is a reason we used to drive 60 miles round trip from L.A. to Irvine to buy tickets from the venue. The reason was - principle. Screw Ticketmaster, we'll take a road trip and after gas still come out way ahead. But alas, I simply do not have the time anymore. But the shows are fewer as well. Thanks in no small part to Ticketmaster killing the concert going golden goose. Fans now wait for a festival or other type show. If it is going to cost us an entire paycheck, at least we can see multiple bands. But even festivals are down and along with the Internet the bands are worse off as well.
There is a reason they are known as "Ticket Nazis" and Ticket Monopoly".
And regarding "monopolies" are there not very specific laws regarding Monopolies and Racketeering?
Apparently our Representatives are still too busy with their political pork stuffed faces firmly up the asses of special interest group$ to lay down the law on behalf of the consumers, the concert and sport fans, the American people!
How did this happen? Did they lobby congress? Are they now like the Prison Guard / Prison Construction unions? Like the Pharmaceutical, Oil and Coal companies? We are getting fucked without a kiss by most every corporation. Killing our freedoms, poisoning our bodies, wrecking our planet and it has been some time since Joe Sixpack could just go to a concert and leave the troubles of the world behind for a few hours. Yes, those days are gone when you have to take out a loan to afford a $200 ticket ($400 w/date), $20 parking, $10 beers and $50 concert shirts (thank God for the bootleggers).
I want whats best for the fans and the bands. I always thought we were in this together.
There is only one winner in this deal. A deal where we have only one source for shows. The Evil Entity known as Ticketmaster!
Monopoly is defined as:
1 : exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action
2 : exclusive possession or control
3 : a commodity controlled by one party
4 : one that has a monopoly
We can complain to Congress and hold our breath. You could call them at 202-224-3121 for the Senate; 202-224-3121 for the House or with just a little Internet research you can find toll free numbers. Know where they come from? They are paid for by lobbyist so you hear a 20 second prompt telling you what to say when you are connected. I already know what to say and I'll say it again... Fuck Ticketmaster!