Recently I was informed that I am going to hell. This was done, with all sincerity, by a fundamentalist Christian family member.
Now, I know I am a good person but I suspect even psychopaths also think they are good people. My word is my bond; I am kind to animals and strangers. My single favorite word is "Honor" I think the entire Ten Commandments could be reduced to instruct "Live a life of Honor". I have been on a bit of a spiritual journey. Lately I have been interested in Deism, " The belief in God based only on reason and nature." Many of our Founding Fathers were Deist.
I have had some issues with the Bible being 100% divinely inspired. I have actually read the Bible, Old and New Testaments, more than once. The myth of the Garden of Eden seems to have been borrowed from the Epic of Gilgamesh is just one example of inconsistencies. Stories that seem to be digs at the
I have been exposed to many religions. I guess I am a "Seeker". I am not the type who blames all of society problems on the mind control of organized religion. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and other mass murders were Atheist. Currently, Muslim extremist are an issue. I suspect that many are only using religion as an excuse to grab power and keep women in their place. But still, the
Anyway, I could not let the hypocritical assertion that "I am going to hell" go unchallenged. So I asked. "Are all practicing Jews going to hell?" "Yes" was the reply. "How about Catholics?" "Definitely" "So for sure all of the Muslims, Buddhist, Hindus and Agnostics are going to hell, right?" Again, "Yes" was the reply "and furthermore most Christians are going to hell, because they are not real Christians" Wow, there is going to be a lot of elbow room in Heaven.
Apparently, the only SURE way to get into Heaven is to be aborted before birth or die as a very young child. And what a bargain. Heaven is forever. I would gladly trade the most wonderful life on Earth for eternity in Heaven if given the choice.
Meanwhile I will continue my prayers for faith, wisdom and enlightenment. Life is after all a journey. But what of the destination?