So you thought you may actually get a bit of insight on a subject as deep as "The Meaning of Life" by clicking into this blog? Good for you! I too am a relentless optimist who finds truth and beauty in strange and unexpected places.
Before I just tell you, I need to give you some background first. My search for the Meaning of Life started out as a bit of a joke. I was a snarky 15 year old with a video camera. This was a big deal at the time. I knew only two adults that had a camera and zero kids. So between using my camera to flirt with girls, I used to ambush and interview people. I would ask a few warm up questions and then ask them "What is the meaning of life?". I guess you can say I am an "old soul" and at age 15 I did read a bit more than my friends and I was obsessed with lyrics, animals and archeology. But I was very much a hyper, rowdy kid and I was asking the Meaning of Life because I was (and am) a smart alack and I thought this would be an unexpected, unanswerable question. Very much to my surprise people started answering me. Many with little hesitation. Furthermore I started to see a pattern. So what did I accidentally discover? The meaning of life, according to my early research is... Family Friends and Relationships! Who knew? I didn't.
Mostly because I never thought that much about it. Since then I have found that to be true but not the whole truth. I would add to that. The meaning of life is our Relationships and the SEEKING of The Meaning of Life. Another simple way to put it is that Life is a Journey... and if you spend too much time thinking, or worse worrying, about the destination you will miss out. It is very short. Enjoy the ride! For years, from age 12 to age 22, I knew I had to be an actor. I was single minded in my pursuit. One day I analyzed why I thought I had to be an actor and the answer was because it made me happy. So I really did not want to be an actor, I wanted to be happy. This little epiphany freed me! I renewed my passion for writing, I started taking production classes and directing music videos and shorts. Most of all I started traveling the world. Absolutely nothing can be as deep and spiritual as traveling. We are one people, living on one small planet. We are all connected and it is a damn small world. Our only differences are cultural. We are all brothers and sisters.
So there it is. The Meaning of Life is, in part, Relationships, the Way we Treat Other Living Beings and the Journey. So what is the whole meaning? I don't know. My favorite line from the Christian Bible, and from Led Zeppelin, is "All will be revealed."!
A little extra: We are immortal because energy can not be destroyed, only transformed. Every molecule of water that has ever existed is still here. You are drinking the same water that Jesus, George Washington and Attila the Hun drank. What came first the chicken or the egg? That is an easy one. The egg came first. There were two chicken-like things continuing to evolve and eventually they produced an egg that produced a chicken.
I believe in evolution but I also believe in a Creator. Is religion used to appease and control the masses. Obviously, but that does not preclude a Creator. Exactly what was there before the "Big Bang"? Note: The "Big Bang" was very, very small and there was no "bang" as there is no sound in space.
Speaking of "sound" if a tree falls in the woods and there's no one there to hear it, does it make a sound? Yes. If we as a society determine that falling trees make sounds, then they make sounds no mater what.
Why did the chicken cross the road? Best to not put too much human emotion and reason to chickens. I suspect that different chickens at different times cross roads for different reasons.
Let's see....what else? Umm... the toilet paper roll goes over not under, question everything, especially authority and mass media and remember to enjoy the journey.
Peace, Love and Light. Tony Stengel