You have likely heard it often said that people are “basically smart”.
Politicians like to say that a lot! That is the first red flag that it is likely not so.
They also like to say that “people are basically good” and or ‘kind”. Most often they are referring to Americans. I do believe it true that most people are good. We want the same things; justice, food, shelter, companionship, drinkable water and breathable air. But I am convinced that a lot of people are NOT smart. This likely does not apply to anyone reading this, as this is posted online. One needs to be motivated and educated enough to navigate a computer and the internet, be interested enough in other opinions out of curiosity or a desire to expand ones mind and lastly, must be able to read.
Being smart, alone, is not necessarily a virtue. The Nazi’s were plenty smart, yet they were a bunch of evil thugs. My point is simply that I am tired of hearing lies from our leaders, and saying that America is “Number One” or that “Americans are smart” is a lie.
I do not expect perfection from a politician, or anyone else, but if the leaders are so stupid, corrupt, perverted and criminal, then what does that say about our country? Even if you do not vote, (not smart) they are still your leaders. Even if you do not literally follow them, they set policy and the world sees them as our leaders.
One policy example is our current draconian Drug Policies. George W. was a coke head and boozer, Clinton smoked pot, Bush Sr. had his life saved in WWII by using a HEMP parachute and Reagan sold cocaine through the Air Force (known as the Iran Contra Affair). So did policy for regular Americans change? No way! In their minds, that would make them look like they were “soft on crime”. The lesson is - only the rich and connected can make mistakes and/or do drugs with impunity. As for the rest of us? Hemp can be imported but not grown and mandatory minimums for drug offenses!
In many states one can get less than 11 years for murder but 20 years for a non violent pot offense. Too bad we can’t all be like Reagan’s boy Oliver North and stand wearing our military uniforms when we testify. Did he get the years in prison that he deserved? Hell no, he got a talk show!
Stupid policies are great examples. Dangerously poor border policies, harmful food, water and imports policies, lousy health policies and the policy for politicians to keep giving themselves raises and vacations while our quality of pay, life, health and education goes down the toilette. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
But my all time favorite example is New Mexico. This single example alone stands as a beacon to the continuing stupidity of Americans. Next time you see a car with a New Mexico license plate notice that at the bottom it reads “United States”. Why? Too many people do not even know that it is a state. I have encountered more than a few of these products of public education. The last time was when renting a car and the woman insisted that I could not take the car out of the country. It took me a good amount of time, and a conversation with her supervisor, to convince her that New Mexico was part of the United States. Sadly, I have plenty of other examples but New Mexico is my favorite.
Full Disclosure:
(I too am a product of Public Education. Attending 19 schools in 12 years and can factually testify that Teachers can also be the opposite of smart)
My second favorite example and the only reality show worth watching, is the TV show COPS. COPS show us that stupid plus alcohol can be entertaining. It shows Public Servants (the cops) displaying Constitutionally questionable behavior. (Imagine what must get edited out!) It shows us that people are so very, very stupid that they give permission to search their trunks when they could legally and politely refuse. Followed by, surprise, they get busted.
Thirdly, more people voted for the “American Idol” than for the President. Those that even bother to vote, claim to be disappointed with both parties. Yet very few vote for a third party. If only half of the non voters and half unhappy voters voted for a third party, it would be a landslide victory sending an undeniable message to Washington D.C.
Too smart to ever happen?
Fourth. If Darwin was correct, how long before the stupid kill themselves off? Like the true story of the 3 men who tried to commit insurance fraud by driving their compact car under a speeding semi-truck. Wow, three people that stupid in one car.
They were all killed of course.
Fifth example. Where we get our news. Besides the lame things that get coverage, those Rating Monkeys are so stupid that they often put their logos over the very news items they are trying to show. News has become gossip and they are so very stupid that when talking about Gas Prices they round the 9/10ths of a cent listed as the price down to zero and not up to one. So, $ 4.19 9/10 becomes $4.19 and not $4.20 as it should be.
Those clowns should give 9/10ths of their salaries to charity!
Speaking of gas... example number six. Some of my earliest memories were the of the fuel crisis 30 years ago. What have we done since? Built bigger cars, lost sells to Japan, polluted our world and made gazillionaires out of terrorist supporting countries! All when the Sun can be tapped in and out of our atmosphere, the Wind continues to blow, Geo Thermal vents continue to produce heat and the Ocean Currents continue to flow; all great sources of energy that could have been perfected by now.
“Lucky” number 7 is the next example. Make up your mind America, are you “One Nation Under God” or are you superstitious? One can follow neither but not both. There is no such thing as luck! There is Fate, Timing and likely even Human Intuition bordering on Psychic Ability, but no luck.
Not walking under a ladder is common sense, not a way to avoid bad luck.
Eighth and final example. We are so stupid and litigious that commercials now need to have written disclaimers that instruct “do not attempt” as a person pretends to eat a roll of coins and “do not attempt, professional driver on a closed course” The “dangerous” stunt was a car gently pulling up to a curb and stopping. The ones where the car flies off the cliff and explodes simply reads “do not attempt”. Too bad the guys who drove under the semi did not see a commercial warning them not to.
And notice on your coffee cup it reads “contents hot”. I also have seen headache medicine that admits that one possible side effect is “headaches”! There should be “mandatory minimums” for the drug pushers at the pharmaceutical companies. But they share ownership of our government along with the Oil companies, HMO’s, and Prison Guard unions. Corruption so blatant that it requires apathy and stupidity to continue.
So exactly what is America “Number One” in? Well, we passed Russia long ago as the world’s number one jailer of our citizens. We have very high rates of murder, pollution, obesity and consumption. We likely export more jobs out of our country than any other. But what about the good stuff? Well, we are not even in the top 20 in education and health care!
Hospital bills are the number one reason for people losing their homes and filling for bankruptcy. (PS. those scumbags in Congress recently let the credit card companies re-write the bankruptcy laws. Next the Wolves get to design the Chicken coups) and regarding education... I am not sure that it is a conspiracy but the definition of conspiracy is simply, when two or more people conspire to do something. So just maybe it is a conspiracy to dumb down the country. Smart people do not stand for injustice as easily as the ignorant. I used to think the education system trained children just enough to be cogs in a wheel, to hold low paying jobs, drink cheap beer and NEVER question authority! But the cheap jobs are taken by illegal immigrants (press 1 for English) and the mid paying jobs go to India and China. China alone will have to be subject of another blog. But preview note: They are NOT our friend! They steal our technology, suppress freedom and will someday want to be a (or the only) world power. The fact that they are signing treaties and cozying up with Russia is a very big deal but the news is too full of fluff for most people to know anything about that major occurrence. I also noticed that my American Flag was “Made in China”.
Back to education... Science has somehow become a political subject instead of cold hard facts (note: reference “worst president ever”), we are 24th in Math, (may explain the confusion over “9/10ths = zero”) and a kid drops out of school every 9 seconds, about 1 Million a year!
Goodbye Middle Class, hello “New World Order”.
Antibiotic resistant infections are becoming the number one killer of Americans! How much has the news told us about this catastrophe? Almost, nothing! Not as important to them as celebrity gossip, just potentially devastating to mankind.
So we destroy our habitat, poison our food supply, our soil, our water, our air. We lie, cheat, steal and murder. Sometime in the name of God, sometimes because of the failures of mental health availability, sometimes because of greed, ego, intoxication, on and on and on, it “unsmartly” goes....
I love my Country, I love my neighbors, and I love my planet.
We are a lot of things... As a whole, we are not smart!