Dear Candidates,
While you talk, maneuver, talk, pretend to be real and talk. Most of us are simply turned off. You talk about how much better you are than the other candidates but to us you are all the same. The country's infrastructure falls apart, our borders are wide open, jobs leave the country as you give tax breaks to the companies that leave and none of you can get health care fixed. Children starve and die of preventable ailments right here in the richest country in the world.
Even though George Bush used Cocaine and Bill Clinton Smoked pot, none of you seem willing to reform our unconstitutionally insane drug policies. We have become the number one jailer of our citizens. More than China , more than Russia , number one world wide. Violent offenders get out early to make room for non violent drug users that would be better served by treatment. We can't use marijuana as medicine, even when voters mandate it, and we cant grow Hemp for fuel, paper or clothing even though it is impossible to get high from it! All because all of you are afraid to seem weak on crime. That and the fact that you are owned by the Pharmaceutical companies, Prison Guards Union and Lumber and Oil companies! Pathetic! We also assume that every last one of you are corrupt, bought and paid for by special interest groups.
You all have health care, you all give yourselves raises, long paid vacations and you spend away the future of our children like drunken sailors. You build Bridges to Nowhere, pay $2000 for hammers, give no-bid contracts to your friends and the more conservative you want to appear the more sexually deviant you are found out to be.
We do not have safe water to drink, the air is polluted and the food supply, especially the meat, is poisoned. So while you argue about your perceived difference we think you are all the same – rotten! So the next president will do a better job than George Bush? That is nothing to brag about! That bar is now set so low that most anybody will do a better job than Bush. Open the White Pages, close your eyes and point to a name. That person would do a better job. So please take some advice from a concerned citizen. Shut up, get to work, kick out the special interest! Stop being so fearful of how you appear and start doing the right things. All of you are rich enough already, right? Life is too short and your position has too much responsibility for you to continue business as usual. Meanwhile I will be voting for a third party candidate. And when all the pissed off Americans join me it will be a landslide.
I am not old enough to remember but according to recent history, Conservatives used to actually conserve! Conserve and protect the environment and they stood for smaller government and fiscal responsibility. Liberal used to mean open minded and forward thinking. Now Conservative translates to mean spirited, greedy, war mongers who have been hijacked by the radical religious elements while single handily destroying the planet. (Actually, over time, the planet will be just fine; it's the humans that are endangered) Conversely, Liberal now stands for tree hugging, socialist who want to pervert our family values, kill babies and return the Southwest back to Mexico . I for one refuse to buy into the madness. I choose to define Liberal and Conservative closer to how the dictionary does. Again, as you try to define yourselves as Conservative or Liberal, many of us consider you as all the same! Corrupt, ineffective and obnoxious!
Our Founding Fathers believed that a revolution was needed every so often to purge the corruption and restore justice. My hope is that it is not too late to have a bloodless revolution. Hopefully soon we can get back to laughing at how ridiculous you all are. Today the stakes are too high to be funny.