Yeah, I been to
Fans of history know that Ho Chi Minh composed a Declaration of Independence modeled in part after the American Declaration of Independence. Many in the country had hopes of independence from French colonial rule after WWII. They had reason to be optimistic. During the war they fought Japanese occupation and received aid from the
At barely three years of age, some of my earliest memories were of living with my father just off base. Dad was stationed to
Which brings me to how I ended up going to
I arrive in
I am tired but there is a couple hours of daylight left. My travel motto is -I’ll sleep on the plane! So it is time to explore the city. The first thing to master is crossing the street. I have crossed many seemingly chaotic streets in my travels but here there was one difference, the size. The wideness of many of the streets and intersections add another dimension to the experience of stepping of the curb into a rush of traffic. The trick is to walk in a straight line at a steady pace so that the mopeds, motorcycles, cyclos and taxis can anticipate your projection and weave around you. It is that simple. Imagine a wide rushing river. Now picture that instead of water, it is rushing with motorbikes. Pause, try not to contemplate horrific possibilities and jump right in. With every safe crossing, confidence grows. Soon I was rescuing stranded tourist. Many found it hard to believe the method, even though they were witnessing it. The other tourists were mostly Asians and Australians with a few Europeans. I always consider myself an ambassador when traveling, aware of the often earned title of the “ugly American” tourist. Between the history of our relations and the lack of other Americans, I am more of an ambassador now than ever before. There are a lot of local shops to explore and a good selection of interesting mask carvings. For me, masks are the perfect travel mementos. They are often unique to the culture and land and can be small and sturdy enough to survive weeks in my backpack. Often the search for an interesting mask, or in some places the search for any mask, is an adventure by itself. Just by setting out with the single purpose of finding one can lead to back allays, distant villages and private homes. My travel plans, purposely kept flexible, have often been influenced by the people I meet on my search for the cool mask. There is no shortage of masks in
By nightfall I had made my way back to the Hanoi Hilton and was thoroughly enjoying watching the NFL play-offs on tape delay courtesy of ESPN. There is something extra special about being able to enjoy my favorite American sport on television and then stepping out into such a different culture afterwards. It is like having my cake and eating it too. Around halftime ESPN chose to promote their next game, effectively ruining the game that we were watching by divulging the outcome. The room was full of grown men in various stages of tantrums. Most had gone out of their way to avoid all newspapers and other media so as to not know the final score before seeing it on tape delay. I suggest going to the ESPN web site to complain. Yes it will take an hour for the internet connection but now they have the free time during the second half of the spoiled game. My suggestion did not lighten the mood much. I got the feeling that a few were going to wait until they were in choking range of someone from the network. It was around then that I realized that there were other Americans in town or at least a few in the hotel lounge with me.
I had some questions for my compatriots. What brought you to
The temperature is at a ten-year seasonal low. It will be hot in the south so the cool air is a welcome start. The local restaurants have a large selection of meals ranging from $3 to $6. I enjoy the first of what was to be many great tasting pizzas. Yes I could have had turtle, lizard, dog, etc. but I love pizza and there will be plenty of time to taste more local food later. I feel myself reverting back to being a vegetarian again as I pass by tanks full of snakes, other reptiles and mammals. I happen upon a place that offers massages for $6. The price is right and all the flying and backpacking has taken a toll on my neck. The best thing I can say about the experience is that it was cheap. I would have really felt ripped off if I had paid $7. It started off all right, with a steam bath that was really just a small shower stall with steam. It is always worth go out of the way to learn a few local words when traveling. Usually phrases like please, thank you, greetings and directions. This was not of much help to me on the massage table. I quickly got the impression that she was making it up as she went along. Leaving me to wonder if she had any training or even an idea of what a massage should feel like. It was easy enough to direct her to the pain in my neck and shoulders. Unfortunately it took twenty painful minutes to get across my desire to have some lotion or oil and put an end to the rug burn technique. Thankfully there was some baby oil around. Finding out later that they use the oil for what is called the “happy ending”. I was content to settle for the regular ending and just happy that it was over.
The next morning begins with prayers, meditation and my kata. My kata is a series of stretching and deep breathing techniques. A combination of Yoga, Tai Chi and a bunch of stuff I made up. I like to find a peaceful place, preferably outdoors, atop a bolder, on a rooftop or in a meadow etc. Our hotel balcony overlooking the Opera House will do nicely. The view and the air are both cool. I find this ritual very beneficial to my overall health while traveling. Now if I could only remember to do it when at home.
Mark and I spend the day exploring the city and trying to figure out our next destination. To the east is the Golf of Tonkin and
It is on the border with
On our short list of things to see are the Old Quarter and the
When driving around it is impossible to not be impressed by the general cleanliness. Every block, no matter the poverty level, is clean. People are often sweeping, cleaning, replacing the clay tiles on the walkway and the like. Much cleaner than many American cities. Mark opts to hang out at the hotel for the evening and enjoy the amenities. Predictably, I choose to enjoy my last night in town by walking around. Circling
The next morning our price-switching driver is late. We use the wait time to think about our future travel options. As seasoned travelers we tend to take a casual approach to routines such as making tentative reservations. Unfortunately Vietnam Airlines was a little more complicated than usual. We took it in stride and forged on seeking options for flying within the country. If possibly a short visit to
Humor is a must, in life in general and while traveling in particular. So privately we go into great depths about the meaning and ramifications of the incapacitation fee, deciding that he should be fully incapacitated by the time we arrive at the airport. Any combination of sleep deprivation, excess alcohol or good acting would do the trick. Will he be carried to his seat like an emperor or feed by hand? Should he drool a lot so they can constantly wipe his chin? If I pay the fee can I get the same treatment? By the time we stopped laughing our driver had arrived. His name is Tron.
The drive to Sapa is as interesting as expected. It will take us 9 ½ hours of almost continuos driving to get there. The train can make it in 13 hours. The spectacular views are sacrificed as most of the scheduling has the train going at night. We share what is often a one lane, or less, road with bikes, mopeds, cars, trucks, people and oxen. The rule of the road is “the biggest vehicle has the right away”. About a year ago I lived through the nearly indescribable death defying experience of a three week driving tour of
Picking up a set of chopsticks and soaking up the moment, I forgot three things.
1. Our previous conversation about eating dog.
2. That this is dog eating territory.
3. To ask if anything on the platter was dog.
The plate had three different servings. What looked like small black sausages, sliced pork loins, and a pate’. One small cautious bite of each was enough. The sausage tasted really bad. Not a spoiled kind of bad but more like some horrible secret recipe. The loin did taste like pork, but very tough and overcooked. The pate’ tasted like any other pate’. Tron asked me my opinion. I replied that it was “interesting” and that “the sausage must really be an acquired taste”. Almost as an afterthought I asked if any of the three meats were dog. “They all are” he casually replied. So from my single experience I must conclude that I did not enjoy the idea or the taste. I politely decline further offers of food and quickly finish my beer. Words worth remembering from the 3 by 5 feet restaurant sign are “THIT CHO”, meaning, “We serve dog”. That may not be the literal translation but that is what it means.
As we continue north, every turn reveals a postcard worthy view. Not that a picture could fully capture the diversity and beauty. Such as the small homes tucked between two mountains, or by a lake, or along a river and most always near a rice paddy. The mountains are starting to look very Chinese. An astute observation considering that they are part of the Chinese range.
An encounter with one of the hill tribes reveals the physical similarity to tribal people in both North and
We are staying in a large lodge at the foot of
Together we drive off to the recommended destinations. The first was a waterfall. As waterfalls goes this one was pleasant enough. But as an attraction it was a joke. We literally laughed out loud when we arrived and realized that before us was the whole waterfall.
The next attraction was the village Cat Cat. Why this was on a list at the lodge of things to see is a mystery. It looked like every other stretch of road around. There was a small bridge, a few homes and some agriculture. Fortunately by keeping travel plans loose, one can not only take off to unexpected places, but leave early from them as well.
The market was the best part. It is a mix of produce, crafts and locally made garments. H’mong and Doa tribal women in traditional dress, with leathery faces and broad smiles, sell goods from fixed stands or blankets. The more mobile merchants sell goods right out of their homemade backpacks. They wear large flat silver jewelry with either a kufi like hat or a bright puffy headdress. This is the off-season and there isn’t another Westerner around. The market seems to be full of locals only and this makes me a merchant magnet. Everyone was very friendly and excited. I buy a lot of colorful shirts and take a lot of colorful pictures. The dye on the clothes is not set. The blue gets on my skin and on most everything else. The strong, distinct smell of the local campfires permeates the garments. A couple cold water wash cycles should take care of the problem. Until then the shirts are isolated in plastic bags. The market is the place to meet tribal people and even arrange to spend one or more nights at their village. Such an overnight stay would involve trekking in. A good pair of hiking shoes and a zero degree sleeping bag would be a must. Maybe next time.
Leaving early the next morning for the beach, means missing the traditional Love Market. So be it. Before inquiring about the market, I have already determined that asking the same question to ten people will result in ten different answers. Also different tribes have different courtship traditions. So the deal with the Love Market is lovers meet once a year, or once a month, in the dark. Songs help them find each other. Sadly, singing is now being replaced with prerecorded music. A promise gift like a bracelet may be given. Next year they might marry. Depending on who was telling the story, the couple may or may not sneak off and spend the night together.
The next morning I am offered a Betel nut from an old man as I make my way through the clouds and to the car. The nut is chewed by the locals and provides a mild caffeine type euphoria as well as stained teeth.
The drive back to
This time the drive takes nine hours. The flight to Ho Chi Minh, or
By the time we get to Phan Thiet and book the room it is
The next morning I casually glance down at an international newspaper. The headlines read; Malaysian police arrest 215 African con artist and drunken troublemakers.
The beach resort is not quite ready for prime time. Maybe three people speak English adequately and they are hard to find. At the beach activities hut I am told that the surfboards, wind boards and boogey boards are all broken. The snorkel and fins are missing. Looking around at all the old broken gear prompts me to ask why they are even open. They don’t understand the question so I rephrase a few times with no luck. The resort brochure has a lot of typos and funny use of English. This is supposed to be one of the best resort chains in the country. They have five in the south, two in the north and one in the middle with more on the way. It is the fact that this is their version a five star resort that makes all the shortcomings amusing.
The people are very nice and go out of their way to be helpful. But when it comes to tourism, they are still trying to get the hang of it. Hicks of Asian tourism - was the term used by a passing stranger to describe his
I swim and hang out a few hours and then it’s off to tour the small row of resorts. The plan is to see the sites, eat some dinner, meet some people and maybe find a better deal on a room. Or at least find a place that will be showing the Super Bowl tomorrow. A tour of the coast leads to meeting more friendly locals. No luck finding a place with ESPN. It appears that Star Sports is a little cheaper so the hotels all carry them instead. Jon Paul, a French-Canadian hotel owner, has his receptionist make a few calls to find the big game. He shares a lot of insight on what it is like to try to run a business in this country. They passed a law years ago to make it illegal to charge foreigners more for utilities and the like. Unfortunately for him and for tourism, the laws have yet to be enforced. He claims that he pays a thousand percent more for electricity and that keeps a lot of investors away. Confirming my suspicions that the government is finding it awkward to balance Communism with tourism. He goes on to relate how far the country has come in turning around the poverty rate. From like over 80% to under 30%. There were other improvements like making motorbikes available to the masses and building big streets. Apparently not long ago most people were walking or on bicycles in dirt roads.
Jon Paul then invites us to dinner and stiffs us with the check. Oh well, he probably needs the money for the utility bills. We catch a cab back to our beach pad. The driver has a tattoo on his forearm. The word is that only mobsters have tattoos in
Back at the resort the manager regrettably informs me that he had no luck finding the football game. Thanks to the International Date Line, my Super Bowl Sunday was a Monday, a beach day. The next day we take a big slow bus to
The road was good, wide and often clear of traffic. Little mopeds continually zip pass us. The slow speed was a mystery. Maybe all the power was diverted to the horn. The loudest horn ever heard on a wheeled vehicle. On the bus we have plenty of time to make a list, in geographical order, of lodging possibilities.
A very useful item is the pair of small walkie talkies brought along for hiking. Thought being, hike in to some destination and use the walkie talkies to communicate with Mark. Together we decide if the site is worth him trekking to. We did this a total of one time. But on separate cyclos, the walkie talkies were invaluable for pointing out things and for keeping track of each other. I recommend the Motorola T5100. They are small, sturdy, and have a slightly better range than others at the price. They can be found for under $50 a pair.
Before cruising for a hotel, we take advantage of all the travel agencies. After briefly visiting three of them, we learn that a trip to the Delta is simple but a trip to Angkor Wat will require a visa. Ideally one can avoid having to obtain a visa by treating it as a stop over. Typically, the three agents each gave us three very different stories. There may be a way to have a visa waiting at the airport or to hook up with a tour group with special clearance or we may not be able to go at all. So we decide to worry about it later and set off to find a room.
A score was finding a place that was a cross between a hotel and an apartment. There were two bedrooms, a living room, large bathroom, kitchen and a small room with a combination washer dryer. The price was quadruple that of the smaller rooms on
Soon we join Samuel and his friends and coworkers for cocktails. As one might imagine, the few expats all seem to know each other. Some in the party have lived here for almost two years so they know where to eat. We go to a crowded place that has a large open entrance and occupies two large rooms. They serve only one dish. Grilled thin steak, a slice of ham, a pate’ and a fried egg. All sizzling loudly on a hot iron plate. On the side are small plates of french fries, sliced cucumber and carrots. There is a basket of bread and of course, beer. One brand of beer at one tempature, warm. No need for a menu here. The food is great. It is a kick listening to the Americans speak Vietnamese. It is an especially hard language to learn. They way one sings a vowel at the end of a word could drastically change the word to numerous meanings.
We take a taxi to shoot some pool. The green taxi’s are the best or any taxi that has a running meter. The cab passes by the Majestic Hotel, one of the main hangs for the CIA and the press during the war. This prompts the conversation to take an interesting turn. The questioned is asked if I thought that we were being loosely watched while in town. Not really, I reply. We move around a lot with no fixed plans. They have been snooping in my apartment says another person. In
Once back at the room one of my new friends points out the little park below us. It is a small patch of grass with shrubs and trees, all surrounded by walls. We are looking down at the actual grounds that the United States Embassy once occupied. The exact corner where the compound was overrun is pointed out. It is a bit eerie to be staying so close to a place I’ve seen on TV so many times. The black and white image of helicopters flying out and Vietcong storming in is a familiar one to any fan of the History Channel. Now it just looks like a small park. It is usually empty. Occasionally some employees from the government building next door play soccer on their lunch break.
The next morning we stroll around town and enjoy the sites of small side streets that each seem to have their own specialties. Rows of meat, vegetables and of course rice. Furniture, large and small, is being made and sold right out in the street. Dragon and other fruit, twice the size of basketballs, beam in bright colors of yellow and red. In
One of the ways Americans are spoiled is that we can travel most of the world and never have to learn another language. Apparently this is one of the few places where one can go to the most expensive establishments and have trouble communicating. The American Dollar seems to help people learn English quickly. But English has yet to be mastered here. If you want to see a country largely unaffected by tourism, better get here fast. It is just a matter of time before they figure it out.
Passing through a Chinese section we meet a little boy with a traditional haircut. He was sporting three patches of hair, one in front and one on each side. The sights and smells keep coming as the street narrows to a mud and gravel path about 18 inches wide.
Flowers are all around as the whole country is getting ready for New Years. The Chinese Lunar New Year is the longest chronological record in history, dating from 2600 BC, when the Emperor Huang Ti introduced the first cycle of the zodiac. The calendar is a yearly one based on the cycles of the moon. Because of this cyclical dating, the beginning of the year can fall anywhere from late January to the middle of February. This year it falls on February 12th. A complete cycle takes 60 years and is made up of five cycles of 12 years each. Each of the 12 years is named after an animal. Legend has it that the Lord Buddha summoned all the animals to come to him before he departed from earth. Only 12 came to bid him farewell; as a reward he named a year after each one in the order they arrived.
The belief is the animal ruling the year in which a person is born has a profound influence on personality, it is said - this is the animal that hides in your heart. The coming New Year is the Year of the Horse. I was born during the year of the horse but could not find a way to make this pay off. There weren’t any Horse only parties or discounts. There were however, a lot of festivities in the parks and on the streets.
We made our way back through the flowers and New Year paraphernalia back to
Back at the room our washer dryer combo has been washing or drying one single load for over five hours. No wonder these never caught on in the
First to a nightclub interestingly named - Apocalypse Now. The driver pedals along and gives warnings on how to tell the good girls from the bad. He speaks English well enough to have an actual conversation. Apparently the prostitutes are shy at times and the girls that just want to dance can be aggressive at times. This can be confusing and I should be aware. Staying just long enough to have a beer and check the place out, I ask him if he thinks that we might encounter bad girls that are not prostitutes? He shrugs and offers to take me on a tour of the city. It is late and there is very little traffic.
We make another quick stop at a club called - The Underground, before cruising around the river area and the People’s Committee building. He tells me that he is sorry about the Americans that died in the big building and that he is sorry that Americans ever left
Apparently there is still a large divide between the north and south.
It was easy enough to hook up a tour to the Mekong Delta. A day trip is affordable and worth doing. For around $8 one can join a small tour on a minibus or van. The tour includes a visit to two islands, lunch, live music, a stop at a candy making area and a rice wine still. We found that for $10 extra we could have a private car and stop at three islands instead of two. Both deals include a driver and a tour guide. Is it really necessary to have both a driver and a tour guide? It would be all right with us if the driver pointed out things to us along the way, or if the tour guide drove. The agent insisted, saying that two people were needed. Maybe we were finally going to meet a professional tour guide who speaks English.
Even though the tour office is less than two miles away, the car arrives almost an hour late. Like everyone else we have met, the guide is very friendly and speaks very little English. On the drive we start to see a trend that we noticed from our earlier drives. Apparently when we ask the driver to pull over for water or for a toilette etc., he interprets it to mean pull over whenever. We would drive for half an hour and pass a lot of places. At first we thought that the drivers must have a special place in mind to stop. Soon realizing that we had to use stern voice inflection and demand to - Stop here! Or the driver would never pull over.
The Delta was very cool. The boats are painted in colorful shades of blues, greens and orange. Flowers were all around adding to the visuals of people getting ready to celebrate the New Year. A short boat ride brings us to the first island. We are treated to a big helping of mixed fruit and live music. Two men play traditional guitars and two adorable young girls sing. They girls aged 8 and 10 sing separately and then together. They are very good and not put off by the video camera. They are thrilled to see themselves in the viewfinder / monitor.
Everyone loved the jelly beans and pennies. They have some things to sell to the tourist. Made mostly from coconuts. I buy three coconut masks and an instrument that the guitar players use to tap out a beat with their foot. The language barrier prevents me from sharing what the instrument is called. It is shaped like a sideways V. The V is made of thin sheet metal and there is a wooden ball on one end and a wooden disc at the other. The musician uses his foot to tap the ball against the disc. After the show another short boat rides us to the next island for lunch. Visitors are free to order other items but the standard lunch is the elephant fish. Wanting to try the most local of foods, I agree to order the fish. The fish is flat and is named after an elephant’s ear.
The meal arrives deep fried, covered in coconut flakes, standing whole and upright on a special serving platter. A woman proceeded to remove pieces of the fish meat and wrap it in a mint leaf. Next she dips some thin rice pieces in water and wraps them around the fish and mint. When she gets three finished, she serves them to me and continues to make the little fish wraps until all the fish meat is gone. I take a small walk after lunch and discover the elephant fish in a large cement pond. This is a sight to see before lunch or not at all. The fish were barely alive. They were swimming sideways, skin flaking off and their eyes were completely fogged over. I have seen dead fish that looked fresher than these. I can’t vouch for the other items available, but avoid the elephant fish!
It was a short walk to see the local candy factory. There is a large area without walls but covered by a thatch roof. A taffy like concoction of peanut and coconut is rolled into a ball and then into long strips. The strips are shaped on a long table in a wooden mold. The pieces are uniformly cut, wrapped in edible rice paper and then in a wrapper. At the next table they are put in rectangle shaped baggies. The label, Kim Phat Coconut Candy, is inserted and it is taped shut and ready to go. I buy three of the still warm packages. The price for all three is around $2.
On the next island we are treated to a drink of strong rice moonshine right from the still. A canoe ride through the canals of the island is a pleasant diversion. A woman squats on the bow of the small craft and rows with a thin paddle. The Delta offers yet another opportunity to meet interesting locals and take a lot of pictures. In general it is easy to get the impression that they sort of just threw together a few stops and called it a tour. People do their everyday routine and stop to play host to the sporadic groups of tourist. Depending on ones expectations and desires, this could be a good or a bad thing.
The last night in town is spent partying with some locals and Westerners at a private home. It is a birthday party and they have a jam session. They make fun of their musical abilities but they are good. A local pop star joins in for a song and a good time is had by all.
On the way out my video camera seems to upset the restaurant on the corner. They have a lot of different animals in wooden cages. We assume they are serving endangered species. We pass by some restaurants and are told the name on the sign translates to - Beer and Hugs. The lack of tables, chairs and food is pointed out to us. We decline the invitation to stop as much as we all love beer and hugs.
There is time stop for one last souvenir. Every few blocks there are people selling Vietnamese and Communist flags for New Years. The big red flag with the hammer and sickle is a must have item. The guy selling the flags is confused by my choice. He really wants me to buy the Vietnamese flag instead. He implies the Communist flag is no good. I tried, without success, to find out why he was selling the flag if he didn’t want anyone to buy it. I tried harder to explain to him that the Communist flag was much funnier and that was why I preferred to buy it instead of the other. He never did get the idea but he did reluctantly take my money and give me the flag.
My practice of making up for lost sleep on plane should be easy on the flight home. The flight is well over 20 hours. The efficiency of the stopover in
The difference in
The system is no less frustrating than at LAX. On the way out from LA, while my shoes were being scanned, I talked the woman who was searching me into giving me a quick shoulder rub. She was patting me down anyway and I had to wait for my shoes. She confided that I should not feel bad about the delay. Last week Charlton Heston and his wife were held up for almost an hour because Mrs. Heston had fingernail clippers on her.
Once back on the plane in
On the flight back I remember a story that my father told me about his plane ride home after the war. He said that he just looked around the plane. Everyone was very quite. It was a modern commercial airline. Everything was clean and new. He had just spent over a year in the mud and jungle and now he was coming home. The contrast, and the quite, was an emotional experience.
After being home awhile from a big trip and having been asked a dozen times about my experience, I inevitably start to repeat myself. The experience gets condensed so that I can share it easily. I find myself saying of